> On Aug 24, 2017, at 8:35 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-08-24 at 20:02 -0700, Gaelan Steele wrote:
>> I’ve added some annotations to each section of the online ruleset
>> (agoranomic.org/ruleset <http://agoranomic.org/ruleset>). They try to
>> give a quick summary of each section, and mention which sections are
>> important to understand at the beginning. Thoughts?
> "Miscellaneous" (one of the section headings) is misspelled.

Bah. I’ll do a batch of ruleset fixes tomorrow.

> It strikes me that things that aren't immediately relevant to a new
> player should be sent down to the bottom. This includes both things
> like Festivals (which are an emergency mechanism that's unlikely to get
> used except for counterscamming, or possibly regular scamming;
> important to have, unimportant to use 99% of the time),

So that’s what festivals are for.

> and things that
> are fundamental to the game (like rule precedence) but that only come
> in relevant when shooting down particularly tortured arguments about
> what the rules say. The definitions section, despite being moderately
> important in the SLR and FLR (it's historically been somewhere in the
> middle, IIRC), could safely be sent near the bottom of the HLR because
> of how the links work (unless there's some technical reason to have all
> the rulesets in the same order).

Currently, the ordering of the rules is defined in one file (rules/index) and 
used in the generation of all three rulesets. That could change, at the cost of 
me needing to change things in 2 places when adding rules, etc. While I’m fine 
with putting festivals at the bottom, I’m not sure how I feel about putting the 
“fundamental but unimportant” bits at the bottom. While I guess it makes sense 
for reading the ruleset, it feels rather weird from a logical perspective.

> Some of the section summaries make me think that the current division
> into sections isn't as useful as it could be. Ribbons and Patent Titles
> go together from the point of view of an experienced player, for
> example, but for a new player it doesn't really make sense. (I'd be
> inclined to create a "history" section containing the First Speaker
> rule, the Agora's Birthday rule, the Reportor, and the Patent Title
> rules; these reflect history in different ways but have a similar
> purpose. It's no coincidence that the Herald's report is the report
> that's historically been most likely to have a history lesson on the
> earlier days of Agora. Meanwhile, Ribbons would go along with Trust
> Tokens, Apathy, and the like.) There are likely other sections that
> could plausibly be split up the same way.

Yeah, the section split leaves some things to be desired. I’m not sure about 
the “history” section; the proposed rules seem only tangentially related, and I 
don’t think I’d expect to find any of those rules under a “History” section. 
One of my main goals when organizing the sections at the start of my career was 
making it easy to guess which section a rule would be under; maybe that’s not 
as important with ctrl-F.
> -- 
> ais523

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