You can always judge it w/ QAZ. I was about to say I could but of
course I cannot.

On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 2017, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> On Tue, 12 Sep 2017, Cuddle Beam wrote:
>> > R869 has "A person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or prevented by the 
>> > rules)
>> > register by publishing a message that indicates reasonably clearly and 
>> > reasonably
>> > unambiguously that e intends to become a player at that time."
>> counter:
>> IF you can't flip a switch to the same value that it already has, and have it
>> count as "flipping the switch" (recent CFJ question), and IF "registering" is
>> a synonym for "flipping the Citizenship switch to registered", THEN you are
>> "prevented by the rules" from registering due to the fact that you are 
>> already
>> in the registered state.
> *sigh*
> The recent CFJ referred to up there is this one, which apparently still
> hasn't been judged:
> It is, in fact, the exact same situation as CuddleBeam's current one.
> (note, confusion exists because a later case was assigned the same number
> and judged under that number, but I don't think the original listed in the
> case log above was ever judged).

>From V.J Rada

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