> On Sep 16, 2017, at 1:54 AM, Ørjan Johansen <oer...@nvg.ntnu.no> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
>> Amend rule 2450 ("Pledges") to read, in full:
>>   {
>>       Pledges are an indestructible fixed asset. Ownership of pledges
>>       is restricted to persons. The Referee is the recordkeepor of
>>       pledges. Creating, destroying, modifying, and transferring
>>       pledges are secured.
>> Destroy every pledge.
> I believe a proposal cannot destroy an indestructible asset.

Ah, crud, you’re right. Rule 2166:

> An indestructible asset is one defined as such by it backing document, and 
> CANNOT be destroyed except by a rule specifically addressing the destruction 
> of indestructible assets or that asset in particular.

Moving that clause to that position was meant to end-run the question of 
whether existing pledges convert. However, the way I judged CFJ 3559 probably 
implies that I can insert a clause to the effect of “No clause of this proposal 
CAN create pledges implicitly” and have that work the way I want, instead.

I could also create a transient rule at the start of the proposal, and repeal 
it at the end, but that feels like an extreme solution.


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