Fair enough.

Side note: many claim the the Rulekeepor is a challenging office, but I’d argue 
that in some ways it’s one of the easiest. The Secretary has to watch pretty 
much every BUS message for a random shiny spend; all I have to do is post an 
SLR when I see the Assessor message.


> On Sep 28, 2017, at 10:21 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>> On Sep 29, 2017, at 1:18 AM, Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com> wrote:
>> I’m kind of curious what the eventual goal here is. Are we trying to build 
>> something with sufficient detail that the gamestate could be reconstructed? 
>> If so, we’d need support for conditionals, which means the “annotations” may 
>> need to support arbitrary code. Is it simply “find me all messages with 
>> votes on proposals”? That seems much more possible, and may even be largely 
>> automatable.
>> Gaelan
> The goal is a calculator that can work out the correct state of the game for 
> certain kinds of values. I have no desire to try to capture all of Agora in 
> code: it’s impossible, and as I’ve said in the past, Agora’s prose nature is 
> part of its appeal to me. Instead, I want to streamline my offices, and maybe 
> help others streamline theirs, by providing a tool with well-defined 
> properties that can be applied to the problems posed by those offices while 
> being flexible enough to handle some portion of future needs as well.
> I suspect it’ll need some variety of condition, but it’ll also likely need 
> active curation as the “correct” annotation for a message may change due to a 
> CFJ, or due to better understanding of the consequences of schema choices, or 
> due to evolution of the software.
> “Find me all the messages with votes on proposals” is a good example use 
> case. For me, it’s “store data that lets me generate the weekly reports for 
> surveyor and secretary mechanically.” And “keep me interested and help me 
> practice my skills as a developer."
> -o

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