This fixes a few problems I've noted with our criminal justice system.
I realize it's likely to be controversial, particularly the conspiracy
portion, but I want to see what people think.


Title: Crime Improvements
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Lines beginning with hashmarks ("#") and comments in square brackets ("[]")
have no effect on the behavior of this proposal. They are not part of any rules
created or amended herein, and may be considered for all game purposes to
have been removed before its resolution.

Amend Rule 2449, "Winning the Game", by appending

  "By definition, a person CANNOT win the game if e broke the rules to do so,
  or if another person broke the rules to help em win with eir advance

as a new paragraph at the end of the rule.

Amend Rule 2152, "Mother, May I?", by appending ", CRIME" after "PROHIBITED".

Create a new power 2.0 rule entitled "Conspiracy", with the following text:

  A person SHALL NOT aid, abet, counsel, command, or induce the violation
  of the rules by another person; when e does so, e commits the Class-3 Crime of

[The Class-3 bit means it's generally fairly minor, and may become more useful
when we reenact a more thorough criminal system.]

  If a person does not personally materially benefit from a rule violation, e
  does not commit Conspiracy by merely knowing about it or the potential for it
  to occur and not reporting it. A person never commits conspiracy if e is
  the only one participating in the violation.

[Credit to 18 U.S.C. ยง2 for some of that phrasing. Yes, I know I'm conflating
aiding and abetting with conspiracy, but the difference is unimportant for our

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