On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 11:02 PM, Josh T <draconicdarkn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Assuming that Contracts are now a thing, I am going to reinstate the fox's
> vote shoppe.
> If Contracts exist, I create the following contract, titled "狐票店", by paying
> Agora 1 Shiny:
> {{{
> The player 天火狐 is the proprietor of 狐票店 (intended pronunciation
> /kit͡sɯneçjoːteɴ/). E has the exclusive ability to amend this contract, and
> CAN bar or unbar an entity from becoming a party to this contract by
> announcement.
> The proprietor CAN make amendments to this contract by announcement,
> automatically taking effect after 48 hours from the time of the
> announcement.
> An unbarred entity CAN become a party to this contract via announcement. A
> party to this contract CAN cease being a party to this contract by
> announcement. All entities are considered unbarred unless they have been
> barred.
> An unbarred party to this contract CAN invoke this contract by doing all of
> the following, in the order they appear:
> * The party selects a proposal or Agoran decision (henceforth the "target")
> which (a) has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and (b) the
> proprietor has yet to make a vote on it;
> * The party announces they are invoking this contract, clearly specifying
> the target e wishes to invoke this contract upon; failure to do so is
> INEFFECTIVE. If the target's voting window becomes or is already closed, the
> target is invalid, otherwise it is valid.
> When the aforementioned invocation has been made, an unbarred party to this
> contract CAN:
> * Make a bid on the invoked valid target by announcement and transferring
> the bid, which consists of any combination of assets, to this contract.
> * Retract a bid on a valid target they have made in whole from this contract
> by announcement, whereby the contract will transfer the bid back to the
> party who made the bid.
> * If the party has made the most valuable bid on a valid target, (defined as
> the party who has made the strictly greatest non-zero value bid, assessed at
> the most recent market valuation of the Assets in Shinies available) they
> CAN, on behalf of the proprietor, change the vote of the proprietor on the
> target by announcing they are taking this action and paying the proprietor
> one Shiny. Taking this action may be referred to as "making the fox vote".
> When the target is invalid, all of its non-(most valuable) bids are returned
> to the party who made them, while the target's most valuable bid is
> transferred to the proprietor.

Sorry for not putting it with my other comments, but again, this needs
a specific announcement to make it happen.


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