On Fri, 2017-11-17 at 19:38 -0700, Reuben Staley wrote:
> Oh, another thing: We'll need some way for all players currently 
> > registered to get some of these currencies, otherwise Agora will
> > be stuck forever, as nobody will be able to write proposals..
> Yes, we do need to do that.

There are at least four emergency methods of keeping the nomic going if
something goes wrong with the pending mechanism (distribute a
nonpending proposal without three objections, illegal but possible
distribution of a nonpending proposal by the Promotor, distribution of
a nonpending proposal by the Prime Minister, impossible but self-
ratifying resolution of a nonexistent proposal by the Assessor that
subsequently cause a rule change when it self-ratifies).

Ideally, though, we wouldn't have to use them.


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