On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, so here's my plan:

I love this. A few suggestions.

> 1. Ditch shinies.
> 2. Three different production zmetah exist: Farm, Mine, Orchard.

When you say that they produce things, do you mean they do it
automatically or that you have to claim it each week? I tend to prefer
the later, because it prevents inactive players from accruing wealth.

> 3. Farms produce Corn and Cotton.

I'd prefer Grain instead of Corn. It matches better with things like
Fruit and Lumber. It also allows us to add flour and bread later
(something so expensive and complex to produce that we could even
allow limited teleportation with it), although I admit that it's a bit
weird to be directly eating Grain in the meantime (maybe we're feeding
it to our horses?).

> 4. Mines produce Stone and Ore.
> 5. Orchards produce Fruit and Lumber.
> 6. Some number of refinery zmetah exist.

Perhaps one for each resource? Looms, Refineries, and Mills?

> 7. Cotton can be refined into cloth.
> 8. Ore can be refined into bars.
> 9. Lumber can be refined into paper.
> 10. Corn and Fruit can be consumed to allow you to move.
> 11. Stone and Lumber are used to build zmetah.
> 12. Proposals and reports and such are written on Paper and Cloth.

Proposals sure, but reports should be free to write. What else are you
putting under "and such"? Also, how does one write on Cloth? An
alternate version might be Papyrus -> Scrolls if you want them to be
interchangeable, or Something -> Ink if you wanted to require both.

> 13. Bars are used as the new official currency of Agora.

To hold auctions in and such? It might be a good idea to have it be a
base currency, rather than a refined one, to ensure supply. Also,
because it's likely to prove most useful, it would be fair to give it
its own zmet. The alternative, which would be more complex and more
interesting, but also more annoying, would be to have each type of
auction run on a different resource. If we aren't minting coins from
metal, I'd suggest representing currency as energy (something we've
done in the past). The nice thing about energy is that it can be
produced many different ways. Potentially we could allow people to
burn wood and coal, to build solar panels and dams, and even to
exploit nuclear power. To start with though, I'd suggest something
like solar panels that can be built anywhere and doesn't require other

> 14. Agora can create any of the above assets and give it to entities -- for
> reports and such.

No more running out of money, although it does force us to balance the
economy. Frankly, I would prefer runaway inflation to being broke,

> This way, each production zmet creates one refinable resource and one
> unrefinable resource, thereby balancing them.

Don't expect that to last. People are likely to add complexity as time
goes on. I can already see grain -> flour -> bread, fruit ->
juice/wine, stone -> blocks, lumber -> beams, cloth -> clothes, and
bars -> just about anything. And that's assuming no one adds more
production zmetah, something that will happen sooner our later. Most
of these possibilities won't develop, but any system gradually gets
more complex until it breaks or someone gets bored and decides to do a
reform and shake things up.


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