Okay, here we go with round 2. This is looking like Go and Settlers of Catan were mixed into one game. What could possibly go wrong?

I'm pretty sure I got all of the mechanics I wanted in there, but it's possible that in my hurry to get another draft out I skipped something. Please notify me of anything that seems out of place.

Also, sorry Aris, but hardly any of the stuff you brought up was fixed because they haven't been discussed yet.

[ PART I: Removing and Changing Stuff ]

Repeal rules 2488, 2489, 2490, and 2491.

[ I honestly tried to keep the estates, but these changes are so radical
  that it wouldn't be compatible. ]

Repeal rule 2500.

Amend rule 2445 by replacing the second paragraph and subsequent list

      Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
      announcement by spending 1 paper.

Amend rule 991 by removing the first list item of the list directly
following the first paragraph.

[ Everyone wants to get rid of these so okay, let's do it. ]

Repeal rules 2483, 2487, and 2497.

[ No more shinies, everybody! ]

Amend rule 2516 by replacing it in full with:

      At the beginning of the Agoran week, the Treasuror CAN and SHALL
      cause Agora to give:

      1. every player with an amount of papers less than 2 an amount of
         papers so that eir paper balance is equal to 2.

      2. every player with an amount of apples less than 2 an amount of
         apples so that eir apple balance is equal to 2.

[ This makes it so that impoverished players can move a little each week
  and make some proposals. ]

Amend rule 2599 by replacing the second paragraph with:

      When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora transfers the
      following assets to em:

      1. 10 bars
      2. 5 lumber
      3. 5 stones
      4. 10 apples
      5. 5 papers

[PART II: Making Land]

Re-enact rule 1993/1 (Power=2) "The Land of Arcadia" with the text:

      Arcadia is a land entirely defined by the Arcadian Map (the Map).
      The Map is the term for the set of all Land Units.

      The Map divides Arcadia into a finite, discrete number of Units of
      Land, or simply Land. Each Unit of Land is an indestructible asset
      specified by a pair of integers known as its Latitude and

      Every unique pair of integers within the limits defined in the
      Rules for Latitude and Longitude signifies an existent Unit of
      Land. No other Units of Land exist. Units of Land CAN only be
      created or destroyed by changing the limits of Latitude and
      Longitude defined in the Rules.

      All values for Latitude and Longitude MUST lie between -9 and +9,

      The Total Land Area of Arcadia is the number of existent Units of
      Land defined by permissible Latitude and Longitude pairs.

Re-enact rule 1994/0 (Power=2) "Ownership of Land" with the text:

      Any existent Land for which ownership has not been explicitly
      changed belongs to Agora.

      Land belonging to Agora is called Public Land. Land belonging to
      a contract is called Communal Land. Land belonging to any other
      entity is called Private Land. Together, Communal Land and Private
      Land are called Proprietary Land.

      Land CAN be tranferred in the following ways:

      1. The Land Unit is Public, and the transfer is specifically
         permitted by the rules;

      2. The Land Unit is Communal, and the transfer is specifically
         permitted by the Contract that owns it;

      3. The Land Unit is Private, and the entity that owns it announces
         the transfer.

      If none of these criteria are met, changes in Land Ownership are

Re-enact rule 1995/0 (Power=2) "Land Types" with the text:

      Each Unit of Land has a single Land Type. Changes to Land Type are
      secured. In addition to Aether, the Land types Black and White are

      The phrase "Units of X", where X is a Land Type defined by the
      Rules, is considered a synonym for "Units of Land that have Land
      Type (or Subtype) X"

      When existent Land has not had its Type changed as explicitly
      permitted by the Rules, or has a Type that is not currently
      defined by the Rules, it is considered to have the Land Type of
      Aether. Rules to the contrary nonwithstanding, Units of Aether
      CANNOT be transferred from Agora, or owned by any entity other
      than Agora. If Proprietary Land becomes Aether, the Cartographor
      SHALL transfer it to Agora in a timely fashion.

      When an act specifies an alternating Land Type, the Land Type
      chosen will be based upon the Land Type used as the previous
      alternating Land Type, so that consecutive alternating Land Types
      alternate between Black and White. In a timely fashion after a
      Player notifies the Cartographor of an act that specifies an
      alternating Land Type, the Cartographor MUST announce which Land
      Type was used for that act.

Re-enact rule 1996/3 (Power=1), renaming it to "The Cartographor" with
the text:

      The Cartographor is an office; its holder is recordkeepor for the
      Land of Arcadia.

      The Cartographor's Weekly Report shall include:

      1. the ownership and land type of all existing land;
      2. all changes in the ownership and land type of existing land
         since the most recent report;
      3. the location for the previous week and the current week of each
         entity or instrument with a defined location;
      4. all patches and their constituents; and
      5. all facilities and their parent patches.

[ I renamed this from "Mapkeepor" to "Cartographor" because that's not a
  good name for a thing. Yes, I know that the Cartographor existed
  before as part of a different system, but it's unlikely any of that'll
  be coming back. ]

Re-enact rule 1998/2 (Power=1) "Land Topology" with the text:

      Two Units of Land are Adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and
      their Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same
      Longitude, and their Latitudes differ by exactly one.

[ Penguin Distance is never referenced again, so I got rid of it. ]

      Two Units of Land are said to be Connected by a specific Type of
      Land if it is possible to travel from the first Unit to the second
      by only travelling over Land of that specific Type.

Re-enact rule 1999/0 (Power=1) "Entity Location" with the text:

      Every Player a single defined Location
      corresponding to a single Latitude, Longitude pair.

      No other Entity SHALL have a location unless it is defined in
      other Rules. Changes to the Location of an Entity are secured. If
      an Entity is specified by this Rule as having a defined Location,
      but its Location has not been explicity set or changed, its
      Location SHALL be set to (0, 0).

Re-enact rule 2003/11 (Power=1) "Actions in Arcadia" with the text:

      Energy is an untracked natural player switch with a default value
      of 0. At the beginning of each Agoran Week, every player's energy
      switch is set to 0.

      Players CAN consume 1 apple to gain 3 energy or 1 corn to gain 6

[ Last minute addition; not sure if I like it as a mechanic. ]

      Players CAN decrease eir energy score by:

      1. 1 to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their Land
         Types are the same and the destination is not Aether;

      2. 2 to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their Land
         Types differ and the destination is not Aether;

      3. 2 to set Land Type of a Land Unit which e owns to any Land Type
         other than Aether, whether or not e is located at that Land

      4. 3 to set the Land Type of a random Land Unit that is adjacent
         to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is
         owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type. The Cartographor
         SHALL make the random determination. The Cartographor CAN and
         SHALL in a timely fashion, announce which Land Unit, if any, is
         changed by this action. This action has no effect if there are
         no qualifying Land Units.

      5. 4 to set the Land Type of eir current location to any Land Type
         of eir choice other than Aether, if and only if the Unit is
         owned by Agora.

      6. 6 to set the Land Type of any Land Unit that is of type Aether
         to an alternating Land Type.

Re-enact rule 2004/3 (Power=1) "Land Auctions" with the text:

      Every Agoran Week, if the number of units of Private Land is less
      than one half the total number of units of Land, an auction SHALL
      be initiated. For this auction, the announcer is the Cartographor,
      the auctioneer is the Cartographor, the lots are chosen as such:

      1. if there exist at least 3 Units of non-Aether Land in the
          possession of Agora: any 3 such Units of Land, to be chosen by
          the Cartographor;

      2. if there exist fewer than 3 Units of non-Aether Land in the
         possession of Agora: all such Units;

      and the minimum bid is 1 shiny.

Re-enact rule 2022/5 (Power=1), renaming it "Land Transfiguration" with
the text:

      During the second week of each Agoran Month, the Cartographor
      SHALL perform the following actions in sequence, and report these
      changes in a timely fashion:

      1. Every Land Unit, excluding (0, 0) that is not directly
         connected to a unit of Aether, or is not connected by its own
         type to a unit of Aether, shall be transformed to Aether.

      2. Any entities whose locations are on land units so transformed
         shall have their locations set to 0,0.

      3. If any land unit so transformed is not property of Agora, it
         becomes property of Agora.

[PART III: Creating Patches]

Create a new rule (Power=2) "Patches" with the text:

      Patches are liquid assets tracked by the Cartographor.

      In order to create a patch, the player who wishes to create it
      SHALL specify one or more Land Units that are all connected by a
      single Type that the patch is to be composed of. These land units
      are considered the patch's constituents.

      A player CAN create or destroy a patch by announcement by spending
      3 AP or 5 sh.

      If one or more units of land that make up a patch ever have their
      ownership or Land Type changed, then:

      1. If the change would cause the constituent Land Units to cease
         to be connected, then the patch is destroyed;

      2. otherwise, the offending Land Units are removed from the patch.

[ This needs to be worded better. Suggest fixes please. Thanks in
  advance. ]

Create a new rule (Power=2) "Facilities" with the text:

      Facilities are liquid assets tracked by the Cartographor. In order
      for a facility to exist, it MUST be built on a patch. Only one
      facility is allowed per patch. The patch on which a facility is
      built is called its parent patch.

      A player CAN create a facility by announcement by specifying which
      patch e wants to build it on, specifying which type of facility e
      intends to build, and paying the corresponding build cost.

      If a player owns any facilities with upkeep costs, e SHALL pay
      them before the first day of the next Agoran month. Failing to do
      this destroys the facility. In the second to last week of the
      Agoran Month, the Cartographor SHALL issue a humiliating public
      reminder to all  those who have not paid upkeep fees on any of eir

      When facilities create assets, the assets are added to the
      facility's possession. Each facility has 9 switches corresponding
      to each of the nine currencies called their inventory switches.
      If, at any time, the amount of a currency in the possession of a
      facility exceeds that asset's corresponding inventory switch, an
      amount of that currency is destroyed until the amount of that
      currency in the possession of the facility is equal to its
      inventory switch.

      A player can take a number of assets from a facility's inventory
      if eir location is the same as the facility's and the following
      criteria are met:

      1. if the facility is built on Public Land, by announcement.

      2. if the facility is built on Communal Land, by announcement if e
         is a party to that contract and the text of the contract does
         not strictly prohibit doing so.

      3. if the facility is built on Private Land, by announcement if e
         owns the facility.

[ Ew, that wording though. There's gotta be a better way to phrase this
  that I'm just overlooking. ]

Create a new rule (Power=2) "Varieties of Facilities" with the text:

      For the purposes of this rule, the variable n is equivalent to the
      triangular number of the parent patch's size.

      The following facilities are defined as production facilities:

      1. Mines
         -  Build Cost: 5 lumber
         -  Upkeep Cost: none
         -  Production Details: Every week, each Mine produces 4n stones
            and n ore.

      2. Orchards
         -  Build Cost: 5 stones
         -  Upkeep Cost: none
         -  Production Details: Every week, each Orchard produces 2n
            apples and 4n lumber.

      3. Farms
         -  Build Cost: 3 lumber and 4 stones
         -  Upkeep Cost: 2 lumber
         -  Production Details: Every week, each Farm produces 2n corn
            and 2n cotton.

      The following facilities are defined as refinery facilities:

      1. Smelter
         -  Build Cost: 4 lumber and 8 stones
         -  Upkeep Cost: 5 stones
         -  Refinery Details: Every ore placed in a smelter is
            transmuted into 5 bars.

      2. Mill
         -  Build Cost: 6 lumber and 6 stones
         -  Upkeep Cost: 3 stones and 3 lumber
         -  Refinery Details: Every lumber placed in a mill is
            transmuted into 6 papers. Every cotton placed in a mill is
            transmuted into 4 fabric.

[ I didn't set inventory limits since I didn't know what I wanted them
  to be. ]

Create a new rule (Power=2) "The Nine Currencies" with the text:

      The following nine currencies are defined, and are tracked by the

      1. ore
      2. stones
      3. lumber
      4. apples
      5. cotton
      6. corn
      7. bars
      8. papers
      9. fabric

[ Probably not all of these will be managed by the Treasuror, but it all
  depends on where the discussion takes us over the next few days.]

      Stones, apples, and corn are considered unrefinable currencies;
      ore, lumber, and cotton are considered refinable currencies; and
      bars, papers, and fabric are considered refined currencies.

      Bars are the official currency of Agora.


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