On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 9:59 PM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I should just have the first two paragraphs plus the little "changes are
> secured" thing?

Yep. In fact, you really shouldn't need even the changes are secured.
They're restricted, and that's probably good enough.\
> After thinking it through, though, I think I'll call jafitah "patches" and
> zmetah "facilities"
> You're using them inconsistently
>> anyway.
> No I'm actually not. Whenever I typed jafit, I meant jafit. Whenever I typed
> zmet, I meant zmet.

What I meant was that you still had "plot" in the proposal anyway, and
were interchanging those.

>>>        Jafitah (pronounced /jæfitɑ/, singular "jafit") are liquid assets
>>>        tracked by the Cartographor.
>>>        In order to create a plot, the player who wishes to create it
>>>        SHALL specify one or more Land Units that are all connected by a
>>>        single Type that the plot is to be composed of. These land units
>>>        are considered the jafit's constituents.
>>>        A player CAN create or destroy a plot by announcement by spending
>>>        3 AP or 5 sh.
>>>        If one or more units of land that make up a jafit ever have their
>>>        ownership or Land Type changed, then:
>>>        1. If the change would cause the constituent Land Units to cease
>>>           to be connected, then the jafit is destroyed;
>>>        2. otherwise, the plot is resized to exclude the Land Unit in
>>>           question.
>> I really don't like the semi-modular approach. Make it so that each
>> one piece of land is separate, it will be simpler to deal with. I like
>> complexity, but this is needless.
> You really think so? The reason I did it this way is because I wanted people
> to want to make larger jafitah so that the size could determine how much of
> a profit they could turn.

The alternative, which makes more sense to me, is that you have to
build a farm on each piece of land individually. That way, instead of
doing all the record keeping on patches, we do recordkeping on each
piece of land as a single unit. It also means that you can transfer
one piece of land, with its farm, or whatever.

>> My suggestion would be to say that
>> you can only build on land you're standing on, encouraging building
>> things closer together so you can access them. We might eventually
>> allow players to "level up" their building after some time (like I
>> think G.'s proposal had),
> Please no, that seems more complex.

Why? A rank-1 farm produces 1x fruits, a rank-2 farm produces 2x
fruits, and so forth.

>> or provide synergy bonuses, or both, but
>> those are all simpler than tracking this. Also, wouldn't you want to
>> require the player to own all the land?
> Crap, did I not specify that the player had to own all the land? Because I
> intended to.
>>> [ This needs to be worded better. Suggest fixes please. Thanks in
>>>    advance. ]
>>> Create a new rule (Power=2) "Zmetah" with the text:
>>> [ Okay, I'm just gonna call everything by Sajem Tan names because why
>>>    not. This one means "building" btw. ]
>>>        Zmetah (pronounced /zmetɑ/, singular "zmet") are liquid assets
>>>        tracked by the Cartographor. In order for a zmet to exist, it MUST
>>>        be built on a jafit. Only one zmet is allowed per jafit.
>>>        A player CAN create a zmet by announcement by paying specifying
>>>        which jafit e wants to build it on, specifying which type of zmet
>>>        e intends to build, and paying the corresponding build cost.
>>>        If a player owns a zmet, e CAN, by announcement, use any powers
>>>        the zmet affords to em.
>>>        If a player owns any zmetah with upkeep costs, e SHALL pay them
>>>        before the first day of the next Agoran month. Failing to do this
>>>        destroys the zmet. In the second to last week of the Agoran Month,
>>>        the Cartographor SHALL issue a humiliating public reminder to all
>>>        those who have not paid upkeep fees on any of eir zmetah.
>> You probably just want to destroy it, not punish the person.
> Uh, they are destroyed if you don't pay the upkeep cost. And there's no
> punishment, unless you call the humiliating public reminders, which do not
> punish the player at all, a punishment.

" e SHALL pay" specifies that e can be punished if e doesn't. I'd just
drop it, but the problem persists in your latest draft.

>> I think
>> others have mentioned this, but SHALL/CAN problems pop up throughout
>> the proposal.
> Many times before (insert old Agoran language complaint here). They should
> all be fixed before the next version.
>>> Create a new rule (Power=2) "Zmet Types" with the text:
>>>        The following Zmet types are defined, along with all relevant
>>>        statistics:
>>>        1. Estate
>>>           -  Build Cost: 10sh.
>>>           -  Upkeep Cost: 10sh.
>>>           -  Powers: The owner of an estate CAN choose to raise eir
>>>              voting power by one on up to X proposals, where X is the Nth
>>>              triangular number, where N is the amount of Land Units the
>>>              jafit which the estate is built on has.
>>> [ I hope that's clear so that someone can fix it lol. But seriously this
>>>    sucks. ]
>>>        2. Quarry
>>>           -  Build Cost: 5sh.
>>>           -  Upkeep Cost: 5sh.
>>>           -  Powers:
>>> [ Depending on what economic reform proposal passes, Quarries will
>>>    either create shinies in the owner's possession, or it will do
>>>    something else related to shinies.
>>>    Also, I need more ideas for this section. Overall though, I think
>>>    that this conveys the ideas I had in mind. Critique away! ]
>> I like the Sente/Gote and Q*Bert systems from the thing you posted. Is
>> there any reason we can't have several kinds of gameplay on the same
>> map at the same time?
> I like them too. I just thought it added a bit of needless complexity for a
> very new system. If someone wants to re-add them after people have adjusted
> themselves to the map's workings, I would love to include them. But for now,
> I'm not sure if it's an entirely good idea.

Fair. One of us can propose them after the system is a bit more settled then.


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