Oh well. I'd at least argue that Quazie's payment to Agora didn't succeed,
as e didn't win a land unit. IIRC somebody stated that there is a consensus
that with explicit purpose (I do X to/for Y), the action doesn't happen if
it couldn't fulfill the purpose.

As for the split message, I sent the first one accidentally and the " ...for
the purpose of paying for the land I won." part was just meant as a
clarification to players. I believe that the payment works even without
explicitly stating the purpose, as the relevant rule does not require that.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 6:24 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Apr 2018, Ørjan Johansen wrote:
> > > I transfer 1 coin to Quazie and Ouazie pays 1 coin to Agora for the
> > > land e won, me acting on eir behalf
> If Quazie didn't have the coin when the auction ended, eir bid was
> cancelled (R2551):
>        When an Auction ends, any bid placed by an entity which does not
>        own enough of the Auction's currency to pay the amount specified
>        in the bid is automatically withdrawn.

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