It's a draft, so I can do whatever I want. I'm simply requesting that you
withdraw it, given that my proposal, which contains a fixed version of
yours and lists you as a coauthor, will probably pass, and yours has
several bugs in it, as previously mentioned, which would prevent it from
ever passing. Formatting it would be pointless work, so I am requesting
that you withdraw it, as a matter of courtesy. If you don't then I'll
format it when I make this a real report.


On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 1:00 AM Ned Strange <>

> youre obligated to make a weekly proposal pool report, simply saying
> that it contains a proposal you wish would be withdrawn doesn't count
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Aris Merchant
> <> wrote:
> > Here's a draft. I have a bad feeling that I'm missing something, but
> > there's been a ton of traffic and I'm rather busy, so hopefully
> > someone can point it out. Also, a warning: I'll be out of state next
> > week, and, while I can hopefully still devote some time to the game,
> > will be commenting at a reduced rate and will likely be unable to
> > publish a report.
> >
> > -Aris
> > ---
> >
> > I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> > Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> > pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> > quorum is 3.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
> > are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
> > votes).
> >
> > ID     Author(s)      AI   Title                             Pender
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 8053*  G., Aris       1.0  patch patch patch                 G. [1]
> > 8054+  Aris, [2]      3.0  Minimalist Contracts v2           Aris
> > 8055+  Aris, G.       3.0  Distributed Assets v3             Aris
> > 8056+  Aris, G.       3.0  Deregulation Act v2               Aris
> >
> > The Proposal Pool contains a proposal which V.J. Rada will hopefully
> > withdraw soon, and no other proposals.
> >
> > [1] Ruberstamped official proposal
> > [2] G., V.J. Rada
> >
> > Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
> >         <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pay a paper to pend
> >                 the marked proposal.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8053
> > Title: patch patch patch
> > Adoption index: 1.0
> > Author: G.
> > Co-authors: Aris
> >
> >
> > Amend the rule defining welcome packages by adding as a new item,
> > appropriately numbered, at the end of the list "5 incense".
> >
> > Create 5 incense in the possession of each player who received a
> > welcome package since April 28, 2018.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8054
> > Title: Minimalist Contracts v2
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors: G., V.J. Rada
> >
> >
> > Lines beginning with hashmarks ("#") and comments in square brackets
> ("[]")
> > have no effect on the behavior of this proposal. They are not part of
> any rules
> > created or amended herein, and may be considered for all game purposes to
> > have been removed before its resolution.
> >
> > [This proposal saves allowing contracts to control or auction assets
> until we
> > decide to allow them to be persons, which is its own can of worms.]
> >
> > # 1 Repeal
> >
> > Destroy all contracts.
> >
> > Repeal rules 2524, 2526, 2520, 2525, 2522, 2523, 2521, 2527, and 2517, in
> > that order.
> >
> > In rule 2545 "Auctions", delete the text "or contract"
> >
> > In rule 2547 "The Auctioneer", delete the text "or contracts",
> > change the last comma in the last sentence of the second paragraph
> > to a period, deleting the all parts of the sentence beyond it, and delete
> > the last paragraph.
> >
> > In rule 2548 "The Auction Announcer" delete the text "or contract" and
> > the last sentence.
> >
> > In rule 2549 "Auction Initiation", delete all instances of the text
> > "or contract"
> >
> > In rule 2550 "Bidding", replace the last comma with a full stop and
> > delete all text after it, and delete all instances of the text "or
> > contract"
> >
> > In rule 2483 "Economics", delete the text "contracts,"
> >
> > In rule 1994 "Ownership of Land", delete the text "Land belonging to a
> > contract is called Communal Land." and delete the text "Together,
> > Communal Land and Private Land are called Proprietary Land." and
> > replace the text "Land belonging to any other entity is called Private
> > Land." with "Land belonging to any other entity is called Private Land
> > (syn. Proprietary Land)
> >
> > In rule 2561 "Asset Generation with Facilities", delete the text "3.
> > if the facility is built on Communal Land, e must be a party to that
> > contract and the text of the contract must permit em to do so." and
> > renumber the fourth bullet point 3.
> >
> > # 2 Replacement
> >
> > Reenact Rule 1742, "Contracts", at power 2.5, with the following text:
> >
> >   Any group of two or more consenting persons (the parties) may
> >   make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
> >   binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
> >   is known as a contract. A contract may be modified, including
> >   by changing the set of parties, by agreement between all existing
> >   parties. A contract may also terminate by agreement between all
> >   parties. A contract automatically terminates if the number of
> >   parties to it falls below two. For the purposes of this rule,
> >   agreement includes both consent and agreement specified by
> >   contract.
> >
> >   Parties to a contract governed by the rules SHALL act in
> >   accordance with that contract. This obligation is not impaired
> >   by contradiction between the contract and any other contract, or
> >   between the contract and the rules.
> >
> >   A party to a contract may act on behalf of another party to
> >   it as allowed in the contract.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8055
> > Title: Distributed Assets v3
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors: G.
> >
> >
> > Amend Rule 2166, "Assets", to read as follows:
> >
> >   An asset is an entity defined as such by a document that has been
> >   granted Mint Authority by the Rules (hereafter the asset's backing
> >   document), and existing solely because its backing document defines
> >   its existence. An asset's backing document can generally specify when
> >   and how that asset is created, destroyed, and transferred.
> >
> >   The rules collectively have Mint Authority. Contracts have Mint
> >   Authority. A rule defined asset is public; one defined by a contract
> >   is private.
> >
> >   The recordkeepor of a class of assets is the entity (if any)
> >   defined as such by, and bound by, its backing document. That
> >   entity's report includes a list of all instances of that class and
> >   their owners. This portion of that entity's report is
> >   self-ratifying.
> >
> > Create a power 3.0 rule, entitled "Ownership", with the following text:
> >
> >   Each asset has exactly one owner. If an asset's backing document
> >   restricts its ownership to a class of entities, then that asset
> >   CANNOT be gained by or transferred to an entity outside that
> >   class, and is destroyed if it is owned by an entity outside that
> >   class. The restrictions in the previous sentence are subject to
> >   modification by its backing document. By default, ownership of an
> >   asset is restricted to Agora, players, and contracts.
> >
> >   If an asset would otherwise lack an owner, it is owned by the Lost
> >   and Found Department. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
> >   Lost and Found Department can own assets of every type. Assets owned
> >   by the Lost and Found Department can be transferred or destroyed
> >   by any player without objection.
> >
> >
> > Create a power 3.0 rule, entitled "Asset Actions", with the following
> text:
> >
> >   An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by announcement,
> >   subject to modification by its backing document. An indestructible
> >   asset is one defined as such by it backing document, and CANNOT be
> >   destroyed except by a proposal or rule, other than this one,
> >   specifically addressing the destruction of indestructible assets
> >   or that asset in particular; any other asset is destructible.
> >
> >   To "lose" an asset is to have it destroyed from one's possession;
> >   to "revoke" an asset from an entity is to destroy it from that
> >   entity's possession.
> >
> >   An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. given) by
> >   announcement by its owner to another entity, subject to
> >   modification by its backing document. A fixed asset is one defined
> >   as such by its backing document, and CANNOT be transferred; any
> >   other asset is liquid.
> >
> >   When a rule indicates transferring an amount that is not a natural
> >   number, the specified amount is rounded up to the nearest natural
> >   number.
> >
> > Create a power 3.0 rule, entitled "Currencies", with the following text:
> >   A currency is a class of asset defined as such by its backing
> >   document. Instances of a currency with the same owner are
> >   fungible.
> >
> >   The "x balance of an entity", where x is a currency, is the number
> >   of x that entity possesses. Where it resolves ambiguity, the asset or
> >   currency being referred to is the currency designated as "Agora's
> >   official currency", if there is one.
> >
> >
> > Create a power 3.0 rule, entitled "Fee-based Actions":
> >
> >   If the Rules associate payment of a set of assets (hereafter
> >   the fee for the action; syns: cost, price, charge) with performing an
> >   action, that action is a fee-based action.
> >
> >   If the fee is a non-integer quantity of a fungible asset, the actual
> >   fee is the next highest integer amount of that asset.
> >
> >   To perform a fee-based action, an entity (the Actor) who is
> >   otherwise permitted to perform the action must announce that e
> >   is performing the action; the announcement must specify the
> >   correct set of assets for the fee and indicate intent
> >   to pay that fee for the sole purpose of performing the action.
> >
> >   Upon such an announcement:
> >
> >     - If the Rules specify a recipient for the fee, and the Actor
> >       CAN transfer that specified fee from emself to the recipient,
> >       then that fee is transferred from the Actor to the recipient
> >       and the action is performed simultaneously;
> >
> >     - If the Rules do not specify a recipient, and the Actor CAN
> >       destroy the specified fee in eir possession, then that fee
> >       in eir possession is destroyed and the action is
> >       performed simultaneously.
> >
> >     - Otherwise, no changes are made to asset holdings and the
> >       action is not performed.
> >
> >   If the Rules define a fee-based action but the specified
> >   set of assets is the empty set, then the action can be performed by
> >   announcement, but the announcement must include that there
> >   is an (empty or 0) fee for the action.
> >
> > In Rule 2003, amend the text "Players CAN destroy:" to read "Players CAN
> > pay the listed fee to take the associated action:"
> >
> > [I think that's the only rule that actually needs to be changed over.
> > Most of the other phrasings in the ruleset seem as if they'll transfer
> > over on there own. The only other case that I can see that won't is the
> > last paragraph of Rule 2551, "Auction End", which isn't really designed
> > to work in a fee-based way, and so actually shouldn't be switched over.]
> >
> > For the avoidance of doubt, all assets existing under the old system
> continue
> > to so under the new system, and if they would not otherwise do so, new
> assets
> > are created to replace them.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8055
> > Title: Deregulation Act v2
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors: G.
> >
> >
> > Repeal Rule 2494, "The Regkeepor".
> >
> > Amend Rule 2493, "Regulations", to read in full:
> >
> >   A regulation is an textual entity defined as such by this rule,
> >   and under the authority of an officer, known as its Promulgator.
> >   A regulation must be authorized by a rule (its parent rule) in
> >   order to exist. It has only the effect that rule explicitly
> >   gives it.
> >
> >   A regulation CAN be enacted, amended, and repealed as specified
> >   by its parent rule. By default, a Promulgator can enact or amend
> >   a regulation with 2 Agoran Consent and repeal a regulation by
> >   announcement. Regulations are tracked in their Promulgator's
> >   weekly report.
> >
> >
> > Change the power of Rule 2493 to 3.0.
> >
> > Amend Rule 2565, "Preserved Land", by changing the text
> >
> >   "The preservation switch CAN be set in a regulation promulgated
> >    by the Cartographor without 2 objections"
> >
> > to read
> >
> >   "The preservation switch CAN be set by the Cartographor without
> >   2 objections".
> >
> > Amend Rule 2125 by changing all instances of the text "restricted" (case
> > insensitive) to read "regulated", preserving the capitalization of the
> first
> > letter.
> >
> > For the avoidance of doubt, all regulations existing under the old system
> > continue to so under the new system, and if they would not otherwise do
> so,
> > new regulations are created with as similar properties as possible
> > to replace them.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> --
> From V.J. Rada

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