Feedback inline. 


> On Jan 16, 2020, at 7:54 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion 
> <> wrote:
> Trigon's "Interesting Chambers" idea got a great deal of popular support
> and doesn't deserve to be dropped solely because e left us, so I've
> updated it to incorporate all the changes suggested since eir last
> draft. Any further comments?
> -twg
> -----
> Title: Interesting Chambers v3
> AI: 3.0
> Author: // any volunteers?
> Co-authors: Trigon, Aris, G., Jason Cobb, twg
> Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Ministries", with the following
> text:
>      A Ministry is an entity defined as such by this rule. Each
>      Ministry has a goal. The Ministries of Agora, and their goals, are
>      as follows:
>       A. Ministry of Justice: serve justice to rulebreakers
>       B. Ministry of Efficiency: see official duties performed swiftly
>       C. Ministry of Legislation: see votes cast on proposals
>       D. Ministry of Participation: reward players for achievements
>       E. Ministry of Economy: encourage economic activity and contracts
>      Interest is an office switch, tracked by the ADoP, whose possible
>      values are lists of ministries, defaulting to the empty list. The
>      ADoP CAN flip an office's interest without objection.

Any reason we don’t just define this within the rules? Isn’t something that 
should need to change except when offices change, so we can just do this by 

>      For each item of each office's interest, that office's holder's
>      voting strength is increased by 2 on proposals whose chamber is
>      set to that ministry.
> Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Proposal Classes", with the
> following text:
>      Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a Class
>      switch with possible values ordinary (the default) and democratic.
>      When a proposal with an adoption index greater than 2.0 is
>      created, its class becomes democratic.
>      Any player CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip an ordinary proposal's
>      class to democratic, provided that it is in the Proposal Pool.

The proposal pool is only proposals that haven’t started voting, right? I think 
this lets the Promotor avoid eir proposals being democratic by creating them 
and starting voting in the same message. 

>      The classes of proposals in the Proposal Pool are tracked by the
>      Promotor. The classes of proposals with unresolved Agoran
>      Decisions on their adoption are tracked by the Assessor. The
>      classes of other proposals are untracked. // This seems a little messy 
> but not sure how else to do it

Maybe just make them all untracked and then list it as information that needs 
to be included when proposals are started/resolved. 

> Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Proposal Chambers", with the
> following text:
>      Chamber is an ordinary proposal switch whose possible values
>      include unset (the default) and each of the ministries of Agora.
>      A proposal's chamber SHOULD only be decided by which ministry's
>      goals it effects to the greatest degree. // 
>      Any player CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip the chamber of an
>      ordinary proposal to any ministry, provided that it is in the
>      Proposal Pool.

I don’t think there’s any mechanism to remove the chamber once it’s been set, 
even if the proposal becomes democratic.  

>      The chambers of proposals in the Proposal Pool are tracked by the
>      Promotor. The chambers of proposals with unresolved Agoran
>      decisions on their adoption are tracked by the Assessor. The
>      chambers of other proposals are untracked. // Likewise seems a little 
> messy
> Amend Rule 2350, "Proposals", by adding the following to the list:
>      * A chamber to which the proposal shall be assigned upon its
>        creation.
> Amend Rule 2422, "Voting Strength", by changing "between 0 and 5" to
> "between 0 and 15".
> // Move the PM's casting vote to the Speaker, since the PM already gets
> // all ministries:
> Amend Rule 2423, "First Amongst Equals", by removing the second
> paragraph.
> Amend Rule 103, "The Speaker", by changing "For an election of the Prime
> Minister, the Speaker" to "The Speaker".
> Set the ADoP's Interest to [Efficiency].
> Set the Arbitor's Interest to [Justice].
> Set the Assessor's Interest to [Efficiency, Legislation].
> Set the Herald's Interest to [Participation].
> Set the Prime Minister's Interest to [Justice, Efficiency, Legislation,
>  Participation, Economy].
> Set the Promotor's Interest to [Legislation].
> Set the Referee's Interest to [Justice].
> Set the Registrar's Interest to [Efficiency].
> Set the Rulekeepor's Interest to [Legislation, Participation].
> Set the Tailor's Interest to [Participation].
> Set the Treasuror's Interest to [Economy, Economy].
> // Some of the above have been slightly rejigged given the new definition
> // of Participation
> /* Treasuror is given Economy twice for balance reasons:
> *  - It is a high-complexity office (was given Complexity=3 under
> *    Politics), like Assessor and Rulekeepor; this makes the power
> *    commensurate to the importance, and there is no ministry it really
> *    fits under besides Economy
> *  - It bumps up the number of voting increases issued for Economy
> *    proposals; all other ministries have 2-3 excluding the PM.
> * Not just trying to give myself votes, I swear :P
> */

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