G. wrote:
> *sigh* I'm hoping this isn't another mailing list problem, but I'm not
> seeing the original email containing Gaelan's quote anywhere (via searching
> my inbox or looking through the mailman archives).  I'm curious what
> unsavory things I shouldn't be doing today...

It's not you - my mail provider is still sending out dodgy Reply-To
headers, so Gaelan accidentally sent eir reply straight to me instead of
to the list. Forwarded below.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, January 17, 2020 4:53 PM, Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com> wrote:

> Comments inline
> Gaelan
> >> On Jan 17, 2020, at 6:27 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:
> > Gaelan wrote:
> >> Any reason we don’t just define this within the rules? Isn’t something
> >> that should need to change except when offices change, so we can just do
> >> this by proposal.
> >
> > Not particularly, but Aris preferred it the other way and I can't please
> > everyone :P
> Fair enough.
> >
> >> The proposal pool is only proposals that haven’t started voting, right?
> >> I think this lets the Promotor avoid eir proposals being democratic by
> >> creating them and starting voting in the same message.
> >
> > I can't imagine the current Promotor doing that, but you're right that
> > it could be a very short length of time in which proposals can be
> > democratised. Probably worth extending it until the end of the voting
> > period.
> Yeah, not trying to insinuate that the current officers would do anything. 
> But we do occasionally have unsavory officers (as well as the possibility of 
> a cultural shift towards taking advantage of office powers), and we’re skills 
> be prepared for that.
> I’m not sure extending to the end of the voting period is any better, though. 
> The current H. Asssssor would never abuse it, of course, but still don’t want 
> it open for abuse.
> > Same thing applies to a proposal's chamber.
> >
> >> Maybe just make them all untracked and then list it as information that
> >> needs to be included when proposals are started/resolved.
> >
> > Good idea.
> >
> >> I don’t think there’s any mechanism to remove the chamber once it’s been
> >> set, even if the proposal becomes democratic.
> >
> > Chamber is defined as an "ordinary proposal switch", so democratic
> > proposals don't have a chamber at all, even one set to "unset".
> Yep, that works. Thought I checked for that, oops.
> >
> > -twg
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Title: Interesting Chambers v3.1
> > AI: 3.0
> > Author: // any volunteers?
> > Co-authors: Trigon, Aris, Gaelan, G., Jason Cobb, twg
> >
> >
> > Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Ministries", with the following
> > text:
> >
> >      A Ministry is an entity defined as such by this rule. Each
> >      Ministry has a goal. The Ministries of Agora, and their goals, are
> >      as follows:
> >
> >       A. Ministry of Justice: serve justice to rulebreakers
> >       B. Ministry of Efficiency: see official duties performed swiftly
> >       C. Ministry of Legislation: see votes cast on proposals
> >       D. Ministry of Participation: reward players for achievements
> >       E. Ministry of Economy: encourage economic activity and contracts
> >
> >      Interest is an office switch, tracked by the ADoP, whose possible
> >      values are lists of ministries, defaulting to the empty list. The
> >      ADoP CAN flip an office's interest without objection.
> >
> >      For each item of each office's interest, that office's holder's
> >      voting strength is increased by 2 on proposals whose chamber is
> >      set to that ministry.
> >
> >
> > Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Proposal Classes", with the
> > following text:
> >
> >      Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have an
> >      untracked Class switch with possible values ordinary (the default)
> >      and democratic.
> >
> >      When a proposal with an adoption index greater than 2.0 is
> >      created, its class becomes democratic.
> >
> >      Any player CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip an ordinary proposal's
> >      class to democratic, provided that it is in the Proposal Pool or
> >      that there is an Agoran decision on its adoption whose voting
> >      period has not yet ended.
> >
> >
> > Enact a new Rule of Power 2.0, entitled "Proposal Chambers", with the
> > following text:
> >
> >      Chamber is an untracked ordinary proposal switch whose possible
> >      values include unset (the default) and each of the ministries of
> >      Agora.
> >
> >      A proposal's chamber SHOULD only be decided by which ministry's
> >      goals it effects to the greatest degree. // 
> > https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/effect#Verb
> >
> >      Any player CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip the chamber of an
> >      ordinary proposal to any ministry, provided that it is in the
> >      Proposal Pool or that there is an Agoran decision on its adoption
> >      whose voting period has not yet ended.
> >
> >
> > Amend Rule 1607, "Distribution", by changing "the text, author, and
> > coauthors of the proposal" to "the text, author, coauthors, class and
> > (if applicable) chamber of the proposal".
> >
> >
> > Amend Rule 2350, "Proposals", by adding the following to the list:
> >
> >      * A chamber to which the proposal shall be assigned upon its
> >        creation.
> >
> >
> > Amend Rule 2422, "Voting Strength", by changing "between 0 and 5" to
> > "between 0 and 15".
> >
> >
> > // Move the PM's casting vote to the Speaker, since the PM already gets
> > // all ministries:
> >
> > Amend Rule 2423, "First Among Equals", by removing the second paragraph.
> >
> > Amend Rule 103, "The Speaker", by changing "For an election of the Prime
> > Minister, the Speaker" to "The Speaker".
> >
> >
> > Set the ADoP's Interest to [Efficiency].
> > Set the Arbitor's Interest to [Justice].
> > Set the Assessor's Interest to [Efficiency, Legislation].
> > Set the Herald's Interest to [Participation].
> > Set the Prime Minister's Interest to [Justice, Efficiency, Legislation,
> >  Participation, Economy].
> > Set the Promotor's Interest to [Legislation].
> > Set the Referee's Interest to [Justice].
> > Set the Registrar's Interest to [Efficiency].
> > Set the Rulekeepor's Interest to [Legislation, Participation].
> > Set the Tailor's Interest to [Participation].
> > Set the Treasuror's Interest to [Economy, Economy].
> >
> > // Some of the above have been slightly rejigged given the new definition
> > // of Participation
> >
> > /* Treasuror is given Economy twice for balance reasons:
> > *  - It is a high-complexity office (was given Complexity=3 under
> > *    Politics), like Assessor and Rulekeepor; this makes the power
> > *    commensurate to the importance, and there is no ministry it really
> > *    fits under besides Economy
> > *  - It bumps up the number of voting increases issued for Economy
> > *    proposals; all other ministries have 2-3 excluding the PM.
> > * Not just trying to give myself votes, I swear :P
> > */

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