On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 8:16 PM James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 02:42, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 6:25 PM James Cook via agora-discussion
> > <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > Questions for anyone interested in Agora:
> > >
> > > 1. Would you be interested in seeing an Agoran newsletter? Not like
> > >    "Last week in Agora"; I mean something more carefully written and
> > >    covering a longer span of time.
> >
> > Yes. We've tried this in the past, and it's been great when it worked,
> > but we've had repeated problems with low activity. The office was
> > called the Reportor, I think. It has worked in the past, but it only
> > works when someone is willing to take it on for a long period of time.
> > For some reason, it needs more commitment than most offices to
> > function. I'm not suggesting that you should be obliged to commit to
> > run it long term, just making a factual statement about the historical
> > trends.
> That's good to know. On the topic of long-term commitment: I'm hoping
> that a commitment to the weekly summaries will be enough to make other
> journalistic tasks feasible on a more ad-hoc basis. I've kept those up
> for 3+ months so far, but might try to set up a rotation or something.

3 months is a long time; I didn't realize you'd been going that long.
That pretty much cures any concern I had about commitment.

> > Am I interested? Definitely. Will I actually do it? Almost certainly
> > not. I've considered doing a "interesting proposals" summary as
> > Promotor, but I inevitably fail to have the time. However, I did
> > contribute last time around by editing the newspapers for publication
> > on the Agoran blog [1], and I could possibly resume that task.
> >
> > [1] https://agoranomic.org/blog/
> Editing would be helpful!
> I had been imagining the more substantial newsletter being close to
> quarterly. Looking at that blog, it looks like at least some of them
> had shorter periods in mind. Any opinions on the relative benefits of
> different frequencies?

We tried a week; that seems to be too short in practice. Perhaps
monthly? I can see quarterly having advantages as well, but it'd be
nice to see more than four a year. It's ultimately your call. I don't
think anyone would quibble with your decision, given how excellent a
job you're doing. We do need to start paying you for it though.

> I've got about a quarter's worth of summaries so far, so it might make
> sense for at least the first one to cover that time period, regardless
> of any future frequency.
> Is there any way to find the blog starting from
> https://agoranomic.org/ ? I don't think I'd seen it before.

Nope! I broke the CSS at one point (now I fixed it), and then the
newspaper fell through, and it stopped getting updated. I don't know
how to add it to the header, or to add the header to it. I might be
able to figure it out, or someone else could do it; it's never quite
seemed worth it, given that the blog is dead, but if we revitalize it
that would change.


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