On 6/3/2020 2:03 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 5:00 PM Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> On 6/3/2020 1:46 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:
>>> On 6/3/20 4:44 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
>>>> Replace the text "Rule 478" in Rule 2139, "The Registrar" with "the
>>>> rule entitled "Fora"".
>>>> Replace the text "Rule 1789" in Rule 2139, "The Registrar" with "the
>>>> rule entitled "Cantus Cygneus"".
>>> Honestly, it might just be better to nuke the last paragraph of that
>>> rule - it doesn't really add anything.
>> Middle ground: recognize that both "publicity of a forum" and
>> "Cantus/Writs" are well-defined terms of art so the "as described in..."
>> clauses aren't needed at all.
>> And here:
>>>     an action by a set of one or more dependent actions identified in
>>>     Rule 1728
>> R1728 starts:
>>>     The following methods of taking actions are known as "dependent
>>>     actions":
>> so again, the term of art "dependent actions" is well-defined so the
>> "identified in Rule 1728" is also wholly unneeded.
> So would this be better to just remove the references?

I don't see a need for them. I think the terms of art are pretty clear.

Aris may have a little more difficulty with eir proposal because that F/A
ratio doesn't have a clever term-of-art name defined in R955 - and I just
realized it's broken anyway, because the "greatest F/A ratio" doesn't
error trap division by 0 the way R955 does, even if it directly refers to

(In terms of "greatest", for A=0 you might need an explicit tiebreaker -
level of F maybe? - that's not in the rules anywhere).

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