On 6/20/20 4:42 PM, Stefan Fjellander wrote:
> I happen to run an somewhat nomiclike conlang discord server, where we 
> have a few channels corresponding to agora discussion, which are just 
> as any else, and then in the channels corresponding to agora business 
> you have to format messages a certain way and then, once the bill 
> [we're not dealing with non-bill things] passes or fails it is 
> automatically archived in a "showcase" channel. (Things corresponding 
> to agora official just go in a channel where only our equivalent of 
> office holders can send messages, but where all can read.)
> I know changing fora can be hard (see https://xkcd.com/1782/), and 
> that discord is a specific company as opposed to the email concept 
> which is (if i'm not too wrong) very openaccess, which both are 
> downsides tho, so i think a thing of this calibre should be carefully 
> discussed and thought through by all active members.
> Bögtil

To be clear, I'd never suggest moving gameplay to a chat client. Discord 
did not exist 27 years ago, and it's not that likely to exist in 27 
years. Agora needs something with the continuity of email. This would 
only be discussion in the same way the IRC is/was (does anyone still use 

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