I appreciate the effort that has gone into this.

There is still the issue of having to trust that those assigners don't
collude with each other in secret, I wonder if there would be some way to
solve that.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 4:36 PM nix via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 4/25/23 20:45, Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion wrote:
> > Agoran Mafia brought up a problem that comes by Agora now and again: The
> > problem of someone needing a "special role" in order to participate in a
> > tournament that requires secrecy (EG Mafia). I wanted to share my
> solution,
> > as this isn't the first time I've heard this problem in Agora.
> An alternative, non cryptographic (or maybe more accurately,
> cryptography by hand) solution:
> This involves the Herald and two Assigners. Assigners agree to an
> ordered list of players (it doesn't particularly matter how they agree
> to this). Something like 1) nix, 2) cat, 3) G, 4) 4st, 5) juan.
> The first assigner randomizes the a list of numbers 1 to 5 (assuming 5
> players) and send those out in order to the players. Then e sends eir
> ordered list of numbers to the Herald. So if e generates [2,4,3,5,1] e
> sends that list to Herald and sends 2 to nix, 4 to cat, and so on.
> The second assigner does the same thing with a list of letters A to E.
> Let's say [E,C,B,A,D].
> At this point, each player has a letter and a number (nix has 2E, cat
> has 4C, etc). Each assigner knows who has their half but not the other
> half. The Herald has both lists, and knows what pairs exist, but doesn't
> know who has each pair. The Herald uses eir knowledge of the existing
> pairs to generate a table such as the following:
> .A B C D E
> 1M M D D A
> 2M D D A M
> 3D D A M M
> 4D A M M D
> 5A M M D D
> On this table we end up with the following roles:
> nix (2E) mafia
> cat (4C) mafia
> G. (3B) defender
> 4st (5A) A special role
> juan (1D) defender
> The roles are distributed properly, and there are sufficient plausible
> combos on the board to not be able to tell what any person's role is
> based on any of the info that anyone has.
> --
> nix
> Prime Minister, Herald

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