On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 4:22 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I like the overall idea!  Some comments:
> On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 4:24 AM Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> >
> > Labor Tokens are a fixed asset, tracked by the (ADoP?).
> I could see either fixed or liquid working here, though on first read
> I agree with you on fixed, as it limits how transactional this could
> be.  OTOH, in the bigger picture using labor as the basis of a trading
> economy makes a lot of sense too.
Labor Tokens could support an economy I suppose (as long as there's a
reasonable way for the unemployed non-officers to get significant amounts
of Labor Tokens as well) but my intent is that Labor Tokens is a safe
little bubble that can ensure payment to officers regardless of what's
happening outside of it. It is intended to be agnostic. But, it's just a
matter of aesthetics in the end, I suppose; because we can just amend
anything to anything else.

> > Professionals CAN
> Maybe include judges as professionals - a reward for judging of some kind?

 That seems OK to me, sure.

> by announcement gain once per month an amount of Labor Tokens equal to the
> > complexity of eir Office times ten, with that amount being affected
> Should a person get tokens if they hold an office very briefly?   One
> way we did it before was like a salary:  "If a player held an office
> for 16+ days in the previous month, and was not found guilty of any
> unforgivable crimes associated with eir office during that month, e
> CAN gain..."  Another option we used before was "N Labor tokens per
> report published".

I like a lot the N Labor Tokens per report published idea. I like how
proportional it would make the rewards.

> > multiplicatively by the following:
> > - x0.85 if the Office has a Special Privilege
> Rather than scaling by privilege, maybe combine the concepts under
> complexity?  (turn "complexity" into "wage" and make it equal to
> complexity minus privilege level).  Overall this "privilege" idea is a
> bit uncertain for me - what looks like a perk from the outside (e.g.
> Assessor's duties) is not really a useful thing that often.  But if we
> use the idea, the privileges definitely aren't equal so making it
> binary seems pretty coarse.  If we go with the "wage" of using
> (complexity - privilege), the level of privilege for each office could
> be subject to consensus discussion, like complexity was/is, or
> (complexity - privilege) could be just discussed as a whole.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

> - x1.5 if the Officer hasn't committed any Monthly or Weekly Tardiness
> > crimes since they last gained Labor Tokens or became the current holder
> of
> > their Office.
> The tardiness part should probably not be platonic, the ADoP/other
> players shouldn't need to look for unnoticed crimes?  Alternatively,
> if the reward level is scaled by number of reports/making reports,
> this takes care of itself without being entangled with the justice
> system.

 Yeah, the number of reports thing seems to work better than this.

> If a certain Labor Token has existed for more than 2 months, any player
> > destroy it by announcement and are ENCOURAGED to.
> This means Labor Tokens aren't fungible and the recordkeepor would
> have to track every one separately - and the user would have to
> remember to specify "spend the older tokens not the newer ones".
> Seems like more complication than it's worth?  Though I wholly agree
> we don't want endless accumulation of these things - maybe some kind
> of quarterly reduction, taxes, or forced handsize reduction like: "if
> a player has more than N tokens, any player CAN spend them on that
> player's behalf with Notice, and the ADoP is ENCOURAGED to do so" or
> something.

I think the forced handsize reduction is probably good, or perhaps there is
just a strict limit of how many Labor Tokens (as a fixed asset) you can own
at any time.

> > If, for some reason, Officers cannot be reasonably retributed in Labor
> > Tokens, players are ENCOURAGED to propose ways to amend it so that they
> are.
> We've often talked about awarding people for one-off jobs (example:
> anyone could offer a major contribution to the website).  Maybe a pool
> of tokens that could be awarded by some kind of Tabled Action for
> specific labors (this might be an add-on expansion for a later
> proposal).

I think this can be good too. Maybe a 'Bounty' for X Tokens can be created
with Y support/consent/something, and Bounties are tracked by the... ADoP?
Hopefully this isn't all too much for them.

> > Labor Tokens can be spent by announcement for the following benefits:
> > - "Voting Strength", for 10 Labor Tokens: The Officer gains 1 Voting
> > Strength for the next 30 days.
> > - "Blot Removal", for X Labor Tokens: The Officer, upon purchasing this
> > benefit, also expunges X blots from a person.
> > - "Subgame benefit X", for X Labor Tokens: You gain X Gold, X Men-At-Arms
> > and X Large Burritos.
> > - etc
> We already have two "bonus power" systems, Stones and Dreams.  Adding
> a third entirely parallel system seems duplicative, not to mention
> having to go through the scaling exercise of how many tokens per each
> power and keep that up to date with subgames.  Could save a lot of
> effort by leveraging an existing system?   For example, if we assume
> the Dreams are balanced so as to be about equal, a simple solution may
> be that by paying some N of Labor Tokens, the payer can have the
> benefits of a second Dream during the following week?
> -G.

That direction sounds good to me too. I believe that the Labor Token redeem
section should change as the game changes and Dreams seem like a good
candidate for balance, yeah.

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