ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2024-05-19 at 15:09 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:
ais523 wrote:

particular, if a contract would be given a Rest (the equivalent of a
Blot), every member of the contract would be given a Rest instead.

the Insulator (equivalent of today's Referee) was required to report
the Fugitive status.

For those wondering how "Rest" and "Insulator" fit together: the
primary currencies at the time were Notes, tracked by the Conductor,
whose author evidently had a shameless disregard for mixed metaphors.

It was quite a well-constructed series of interlocking puns (starting

The intended joke was that I authored the Notes/Rests economy, but it
turns out "Insulator" was actually added by omd and G. about a year
later; originally the Conductor tracked both Notes and Rests.

with "Notes" = banknotes or musical notes; and if you did something
helpful to Agora you would be noted for it). It is possible that some
of these were fortunate coincidences rather than intentional. A Rest
had a value of -1 Note (originally, you could use a Note to cancel out
a Rest). I am surprised that puns on "ar-Rest-ed" weren't made more

Incidentally, I vaguely remember that Notes and Ribbons were
descendants of the same system (i.e. originally a Ribbons win was
obtained via getting an ancestor-of-Notes from every possible source,
with the ancestors of Notes having ribbon-style colors rather than
musical pitches), although they had diverged somewhat before I started
playing and no longer matched up to each other. That economy ended up
being temporarily revived semi-recently under the Glitter system (which
was effectively an economic reward for doing something that would give
you a Ribbon).

Turns out you're right, the current Ribbons rule was a revival of a
2008-2010 version created at the same time as Notes. Here's their
common ancestor immediately before the split, with some context below.

Rule 2126/48 (Power=2)
Voting Credits

      Voting Credits (VCs) are a class of fixed assets that can be
      used to affect voting limits on ordinary proposals.  Changes to
      VC holdings are secured.  Ownership of VCs is restricted to

      Each VC has exactly one color.  Colors with different names are
      distinct, regardless of spectral proximity.  Each color of VC is
      a currency.  If a player is meant to lose a VC of a color that e
      does not possess, then e loses a VC of eir Party's color
      instead; if e has no VCs at all, then the loss is waived (you
      can't get blood from a turnip).

      The Accountor is the recordkeepor of VCs.

      VCs are gained and lost as follows:

      (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains
           a number of Red VCs equal to the proposal's adoption index
           times its interest index (rounded down to the nearest
           integer), minus the number of Red VCs that e has gained in
           this way earlier in the same week (down to a minimum of
           zero), and each coauthor of the proposal gains one Red VC
           unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

      (-R) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its
           adoption index, its proposer loses one Red VC, unless e
           lost a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

      (+O) When an interested proposal is adopted by voting with no
           valid votes AGAINST, its proposer gains one orange VC
           unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

      (-O) When an interested proposal is rejected by voting with no
           valid votes FOR (other than possibly from its author), and
           having met quorum, its proposer loses one orange VC, unless
           e lost a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

      (+G) At the end of each month, for each office with a report,
           the player (if any) who held that office for the majority
           of that month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a
           weekly report) or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly
           report), unless another person deputised for that office
           while that player held that office during that month.

      (-G) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
           who has held that office during that month, if another
           person deputised for that office while that player held
           that office during that month then that player loses one
           Green VC.

      (+C) When a player deputises for an office e gains one cyan VC,
           unless someone previously gained a VC in this manner for
           the same office in the same month.

      (+B) When a player assigns a judgement to a judicial question
           other than a question on sentencing, and has not violated a
           requirement to submit that judgement within a time limit, e
           gains one blue VC.

      (-B) A player who is recused from a judicial case with cause
           loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior judge in an
           appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM is assigned
           to the question on disposition loses one Blue VC.

      (+K) When a player assigns a judgement to a judicial question on
           sentencing, and has not violated a requirement to submit
           that judgement within a time limit, e gains one black VC.

      (-K) In a criminal case, when a sentence becomes active for the
           first time the defendant loses one black VC.

      (+W) When a first-class person becomes a player and has never
           been a player before, e gains one white VC.  When a
           first-class person has been a player continuously for at
           least three months and has never been a player before that
           period, and names another first-class player as eir mentor
           (and has not named a mentor in this fashion before), e and
           that player each gain one white VC.

      (+M) When, during Agora's birthday, a player publicly
           acknowledges the occasion, e gains one magenta VC, unless e
           previously gained a VC in this manner during the same

      (+U) When a player is awarded the Patent Title Champion, e gains
           two ultraviolet VCs.

      (+V) When a person is awarded a patent title, e gains one violet
           VC, unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in the same

      (-V) When a person has a patent title revoked from em, and the
           instrument that authorises the revocation does not describe
           the revocation as administrative, e loses one violet VC.

      (+I) When a person is awarded a patent title that is a degree, e
           gains a number of indigo VCs.  The number depends on the
           rank of the degree: it is two for the lowest rank, four for
           the next, and so on increasing by two per rank, up to a
           maximum of twelve for the sixth and higher ranks.  If the
           rank of the degree is not adequately defined to apply this
           rule then the number is two.

      (-*) One second before the end of each month, each entity loses
           1/5 of eir holdings of each color of VC, rounded down to
           the nearest integer.

      (+Y) At the end of each month, for each contest that awarded
           points to at least three different contestants during that
           month, the contestmaster gains one Yellow VC.

      VCs may be spent as follows, by announcement (INVALID unless the
      color is specified):

      a) A player may spend N+1 VCs, each of a color distinct from the
         rest, to increase another player's VVLOP by N, where N >= 1.

      b) A player may spend N+2 VCs, each of a color distinct from the
         rest, to increase eir own VVLOP by N, where N >= 1.

      c) A player may spend N+1 VCs, each of a color distinct from the
         rest, to decrease another player's VVLOP by N, to a minimum
         of zero, where N >= 1.

      d) A player may spend N+2 VCs, each of a color distinct from the
         rest, to multiply another player's VVLOP by (10-N)/10, where
         1 <= N <= 10.

      e) A player may spend two VCs of the same color to make another
         player gain one VC of that color.

      z) If this rule mentions at least six different specific colors
         for VCs, a player may spend one VC of each such color to win
         the game.

      When a player is awarded the Patent Title Champion, each
      player's VVLOP is set to eir BVLOP.

      VC awards and penalties SHALL be announced, as soon as possible
      after they occur, by the following officers:

      Assessor    - Red, Orange
      IADoP       - Green, Cyan
      CotC        - Blue, Black
      Registrar   - White
      Herald      - Violet, Indigo
      Scorekeepor - Yellow
      Accountor   - all others

Rule 2155/1 (Power=1)

      Each player's Party is the color of VC that e possesses the most
      of, or Gray if e possesses none.  Ties are lost by the color(s)
      that e gained most recently; ties not resolved by this method
      are won by the color that comes first in alphabetical order.

[This rule was created in 2006 by OscarMeyr, starting with just the
 "proposal is adopted" award. Some more awards were added, then in 2007
 my proposal "Three-Tone Economics" defined Red/Green/Blue to correspond
 with the legislative/executive/judicial branches.

 "Interest index": more complex proposals were expected to have higher
 II, which rules like this could then refer to.

 CFJs were divided into inquiry cases which are the familiar sort, and
 criminal cases which covered the stuff now handled by the Referee.

 BVLOP and VVLOP referred to Voting Level on Ordinary Proposals: Base
 was 4 for first-class players and 0 for corporations, Volatile was
 modifiable, and once a week Volatile was rounded and copied to
 Effective which was actually used to weight voting power.]

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