On Fri, 2024-06-28 at 11:20 +0200, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion wrote:
> I believe that deals and alliances are going to be extremely strong here.
> To me, it seems to be in practice a prerequisite to incarnating at all in
> the first place.

There is no downside (other than the rather problematic tracking
burden, which is a SHOULD) to incarnating if you don't intend to win
via Bangs yourself – it helps to block a win, and may produce Bangs
which could potentially have value as trade items.

If enough players incarnate, it'll make a win via pooling quite hard to
achieve, because (under the current rules) the pool has to form at
least half of the players who incarnate (and would have to be an even
greater proportion if the cost to eliminate someone were increased).

There's also an interesting sort of relationship in which the more
players incarnate, the more valuable Bangs become (due to reduced
supply: some players would be willing to sell Bangs very cheaply, but
others will demand more, and with lots of players incarnated then deals
will have to be made with the more demanding players). That means that
even if a player would be willing to sell their Bangs cheaply, if lots
of players are incarnated, it makes more economic sense to increase
your price because you're still likely going to be within the top X
players to buy from. And that in turn means that the price of buying a
win is going to go up faster than linearly as more players incarnate.

All this means that players should be encouraged to incarnate rather
than discouraged: staying Ghostly only benefits players who are trying
to pool for a win.


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