COE again to my most recent registrar's report: i forgot to include my own

Accepted, revision below valid as of now

There are 5 contracts
=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|🧟✨Chattelbeam✨🧟                                             rev. 2|
|PARTIES: Cuddlebeam,
This contract only has up to two parties, one of the which is the
Superzombie and the other is the Supermaster.

A Player can become the Supermaster by announcement unless a Player
already currently is the Supermaster.

A Supermaster is either Active or Inactive, and they default to being

Cuddlebeam is a party to this contract, and is the Superzombie.

An Active Supermaster can act on behalf of the Superzombie to perform
any action on their behalf except for the following:

   - enter a contract, pledge, or other type of agreement;
   - initiate a Call for Judgement;
   - grant consent;
   - deregister.

If a Supermaster has been Inactive for more than 7 days, that
Supermaster ceases to be a party of this contract.

A Supermaster becomes Active (and ceases to be Inactive) by Pledging
the following:
"I Pledge to cause Cuddlebeam to Win Agora. The "N" of this Pledge,
for the purpose of its Class N Crime of Oathbreaking, is a
googolplex, and its time window is 90 days.".

A Supermaster that has been Active for more than 90 days ceases to be a
party of this contract.

While there is an Active Supermaster, Cuddlebeam cannot perform actions
unless someone acts on their behalf to perform them.
There is no Supermaster
Feb 29 2020 18:15: Cuddlebeam created
Feb 29 2020 18:26: twg joined
Feb 29 2020 19:29: Cuddlebeam amended(1) by mutual consent
Feb 29 2020 21:33: twg became Active
Mar 01 2020 13:20: twg amended(2) by mutual (implied) consent
May 29, 2020 21:33: twg left the contract due to its terms

=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|The Dragon Corporation                                          rev. 2|
|PARTIES: Warrigal, Aris, Jason                                         |
## Bylaw 1: Definition

This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its

All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.

Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
share is known as a shareholder.

If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.

Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
this contract is known as a member.

Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
contract or ceases to be a party to this contract, all parties to this
contract are considered to consent to this change.

## Bylaw 2: Proposals

Any member CAN, by announcement, submit a Corporate Proposal. A
Corporate Proposal must have exactly one of the types defined by this
contract. Thereafter, any member CAN vote FOR or AGAINST that proposal
by announcement, or retract such a vote, which causes the vote to become
null and void. Whenever a member votes, all of eir previous votes on the
same proposal are implicitly retracted.

If a Corporate Proposal was submitted more than 4 but fewer than 21 days
ago, and the proposal has approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the
proposal has not been applied, then any member may, by announcement,
apply the proposal, which has effects as defined in other bylaws.

Members SHALL NOT submit, vote for, or apply proposals that are
egregiously unfair to other shareholders (such as a proposal which takes
or revokes shares from minority shareholders without just compensation).

## Bylaw 3: Amendment Proposals

An Amendment Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Amendment
Proposal has approval if at least one member has voted FOR it, and the
number of shares owned by members who have voted FOR it is at least 2
times the number of shares owned by members who have voted AGAINST it.

When an Amendment Proposal is applied, the following occur:

1. Each party to this contract who has not consented to the application
of the proposal ceases to be a party to this contract. A party who has
voted FOR a proposal consents to the application of that proposal,
unless e has publicly stated otherwise at or after the time at which e
voted FOR it.

2. This contract is modified as described in the proposal.

However, the application of an Amendment Proposal is INEFFECTIVE unless,
in the same message, the entity who applies the proposal also publishes
a text which is labeled as being the text of this contract after the
application. E SHOULD, at that point, publish intent to ratify that text
without objection.

## Bylaw 4: Ordinary Proposals

An Ordinary Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Ordinary
Proposal has approval if the number of shares owned by members voting
FOR it is greater than the number of shares owned by members voting

When an Ordinary Proposal is applied, assets are created, destroyed,
and/or transferred as described in the proposal; and entities may
create, destroy, and/or transfer assets as permitted in the proposal.
Such permission expires 30 days after the proposal is applied.

After an Ordinary Proposal is applied, the person who applied it SHOULD
publish a description of its effects in a timely fashion, including all
balances of assets defined by this contract which were affected by the

## Bylaw 5: Bonds and Banknotes

Perpetual Dragon bonds (hereinafter "bonds") are a currency. Banknotes
are a currency.

At the beginning of each Agoran quarter, each entity is awarded a number
of banknotes equal to the number of bonds that e owns.

If an entity owns a banknote, e CAN redeem the banknote by transferring
1 coin from the Dragon Corporation to emself; the banknote is then

## Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping

If a party to this contract owns more shares than any other party to
this contract, then that party becomes the President of the Dragon
Corporation, if e is not already the President. The former President
SHALL publicly inform the new President of this event in a timely

The President is the recordkeepor of all assets defined by this
contract, except those for which this contract specifies a different

## Bylaw 7: IPO

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity CAN pay a
fee of 10 coins or 10 banknotes to the Dragon Corporation to buy a
share. When e does this, e is awarded 1 share.

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity who owns at
least 1 share may sell the share by announcement. When e does this, the
share is destroyed and e is awarded 5 banknotes.
Mar 01 2020 23:13: Warrigal created
Mar 03 2020 00:14: Warrigal amended(1) as only party
May 15 2020: Aris and Jason Cobb joined
May 24 2020: Contract amended by Aris (under contract's own procedures)
Jun 02 2020: Falsifian ratified contract as having the text above (that was
the text it already had
in my opinion/previous report but its always useful)

=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|Gaelan's Really Bad At Sending Things To The Public Forum       rev. 0|
|PARTIES: Gaelan, twg, Warrigal, Falsifian                             |
Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s behalf
as described below.

Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
subject to the following conditions:

* Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
   message to a discussion forum
* The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24 hours
* Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by sending
   a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was not labelled as
   a draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
* No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after
   the message to the discussion forum

Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.
Jan 08 2020 16:38: twg created (see CFJ 3791)
Jan 24 2020 01:58: Warrigal joined
Mar 01 2020 06:11: Falsifian joined

=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|Shiny contract                                                  rev. 0|
|PARTIES: G.                                                           |

G. is the only party to this contract.

Shinies (singulary Shiny) are a currency tracked by creator of this
contract.  They can be owned by Agora, players, and contracts.

G. CAN, by announcement, grant shinies to any player or contract.

G. CAN, by announcement, revoke destructible assets from this contract.

G. CAN, by announcement, transfer liquid assets from this contract to a
specified recipient.
History (reminder that I'm not including asset history unless I have
to track assets
May 31, 2020: G. created contract

=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|Needlessly abstract exchange                                    rev. 0|
Contract: Needlessly Abstract Exchange

Part I: Definitions

The Needlessly Abstract Exchange (also known as NAX) is a contract which
facilitates trading among Agorans by providing a fair third party to
manage assets mid-trade.

Any party to this contract is a trader.

The Exchange Manager is a title belonging to a specific trader. If there
is no Exchange Manager or the Exchange Manager would be an entity that
is not a trader, the entity that has been a trader for the longest
(continuously) becomes the Exchange Manager.

The Purse is an integer. If the value of The Purse is indeterminate or
ambiguous, it becomes 0.

An Order represents a trade. Orders have a Creater, a Fulfiller, Goods,
Fullfillment Conditions, and may have an Expiration Condition (if none
is specified, an order has no Expiration Condition). Goods is a list of
assets, and Fulfillment Conditions can be any text that describes or
could at some point describe any combination of assets, actions, or
other conditions. Orders may be closed, pending, or open and are open
when created.

Part II: Order Creation and Fulfillment

For every order a trader Creates or attempts to Fulfill, e must first
pay 1 coin to this contract (not as part of an order creation or
fulfillment) in the same message; otherwise it is INEFFECTIVE. For every
coin paid to the contract this way the Purse is increased by 1.

Any trader CAN create an order by paying any (non-zero) number of assets
to this contract, specifying Fulfillment Conditions, and optionally
specifying Expiration Conditions. E becomes the Creator of the order,
and all assets paid become the Goods of the order.

Any trader CAN attempt to fulfill a specified open order by
announcement, and by additionally paying any number of assets to the
contract, specifying any actions e does in the same message, and
specifying any other evidence e has successfully fulfilled the order.
The order becomes pending and e becomes the Fulfiller of the order.

PART III: Resolving Orders

For each pending order, the Exchange Manager SHALL, in a timely fashion
and by announcement, declare the attempt to fulfill Successful or
Unsuccessful. E SHALL only declare the attempt Successful if e believes
the Fullfillment Conditions have been met and SHALL NOT declare the
attempt Unsuccessful unless e believes the Fullfillment Conditions have
not been met.

When the Exchange Manager declares an attempt Successful, e CAN and
SHALL transfer the Goods of the order from this contract to the
Fulfiller and transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract
a part of the fulfillment attempt to the Creater of the order. The
order becomes closed.

When the Exchange Manager declares an attempt Unsuccessful, e CAN and
SHALL transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract as part
of the fulfillment attempt to the Fulfiller. The order becomes open.

PART IV: Annulling Orders

When the Exchange Manager believes that it would be impossible to
fulfill an open order or that the expiration conditions of an open order
have been met, e CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, Annul the order by
transfering all Goods to the Creater of the order. The order becomes
closed. When e does so, the Exchange Manager CAN transfer 1 coin from
this contract to the creater and SHOULD do so if e believes the reason
the order should be annulled was an error, such as a typo or
misunderstanding of this contract; if e does the Purse is decreased by

The Exchange Manager CAN annul an open order without reason by
transferring 1 coin from this contract to the creater. E SHOULD NOT do so
unless the creater has made more than 2 orders in the last 7 days.

PART V: NAX Reports

Once a week the Exchange Manager SHALL publish a report. This report
SHALL contain a list of any outstanding orders and a list of any orders
that have closed in the last week. If it has been more than a week since
the last NAX report, this report SHOULD contain all orders that have
closed since the last such report. When e publishes such a report, e CAN
transfer X coins from this contract to emself, where X is the current
value of the purse. When e does so, the purse becomes 0.

PART VI: Election and Management

Any trader may elect any other trader to be the Exchange Manager,
replacing the current Exchange Manager, with X support where X is 1 more
than half (rounded up) of the number of traders.

The Exchange Manager CAN cap any trader who has created more than 2
orders in the last 7 days by announcement. A trader who has been capped
CANNOT create new orders for 7 days from when e made eir last order.
03 Jun 2020, nch destroys precursor contract and creates this one

There are 6 pledges. I assign my two pledges the names "G's encouragement"
and "No fraud, Becca"
================================ PLEDGE ================================
|You can make it happen, R. Lee!                                 Gaelan|
|MADE: Mar 11 2020 04:16|WINDOW:   1yr|EXPIRES: Mar 11 2021 04:16|N:  2|
I pledge to transfer 100 coins to R. Lee by the end of this pledge’s
time window if Peter Suber registers as a player. The time window
for this pledge is one year.

================================ PLEDGE ================================
|Trigon is a show-off                                            Trigon|
|MADE: Apr 28 2020 01:40|WINDOW:  60dy|EXPIRES: Jun 27 2020 01:40|N:  2|
As the newly christened Speaker, my promise and pledge to you is
that I shall flaunt sufficiently and at every opportunity that may
arise during my service, these, my newfound BRAGGING RIGHTS, which
have been righteously endowed unto me by the Great SPIRIT OF AGORA.

================================ PLEDGE ================================
|Rousseau was better                                                nch|
|MADE: May 26 2020 03:15|WINDOW: 60dy|EXPIRES: Jul 25 2020 03:15  |N: 2|
I pledge to vote AGAINST the proposal "Voltaire, Lottery Scammer" when and
it is distributed.

================================ PLEDGE ================================
|Grok's gratuitous                                                 grok|
|MADE: May 31 2020 19:29|WINDOW: 60dy|EXPIRES: Jul 30 2020 19:29  |N: 2|
I pledge to give 1 shiny to the first three players who submit gratuitous
arguments on CFJ 3837 before my judgment is submitted.

================================ PLEDGE ================================
|G's encouragement                                               R. Lee|
|MADE: Jun 3 2020 03:24|WINDOW: 90dy|EXPIRES: Sep 1 2020: 03:24  |N:2  |
I pledge to pay G. (or any other player) all my coins and victory points if
e fills in all the gaps in the CFJ database in the years 2018 and 2019.
Time window is 3 months.

================================ PLEDGE ================================
|No Fraud, Becca                                                 R. Lee|
|MADE: Jun 3 2020 03:34|WINDOW: 90dy|EXPIRES: Sep 1 2020: 03:34  |N:8  |
I also pledge not to transfer coins to other entities to avoid the above
pledge for the same time window of 3 months. Violating this pledge shall
be a class 8 crime.

>From R. Lee

>From R. Lee

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