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Below is the report for the week of 2020-07-20..26.

# Summary

An artificial guest joined us this week. Greg P. Thomas II, alas, is not
granted personhood by our rules, but we had fun together anyway.

The Birthday Tournament continues. This week saw our first elimination,
and a proposal enacted that grants each contestant a distinct

Gaelan's ruleset viewer is working! (Or was during this week, anyway.)
For a nicely-formatted ruleset, try .

Another attempt at using our new indictment process begins. Maybe it
will work this time.

Fun with contracts continues. Gaelan starts a betting ring. Jason Avoids
Prosecution, taking all the money from eir Ponzi scheme.

Agora's recent proposal frenzy seems to have died down for now. We saw
same proposed rule fixes and a new draft of Jason's proposal bringing
regulations into Alexis's "bodies of law" framework

# Greg P. Thomas II, A.I.

* An email address sends some strange messages, beginning with a purported
registration attempt borrowing other players' names. After some speculation,
  Gaelan reveals it's a bot e created.  Threads: "Registration" and "Coming

  * For the messages, look for anything sent by "Greg P. Thomas II"
    (thomasgregoryp2 at, and see also links Gaelan posted in the
    thread "Coming Clean" pointing to more generated text.

  * Were Greg's emails effectively sent by Gaelan? This is discussed in the
context of finger-pointing in the threads "Registration" and "[Proposal] Contract-Specific Contracts"; the Referee finds that Gaelan was responsible
    for Greg's emails. It's also mentioned in the thread "Coming clean".

* Jason tries to pend a proposal submitted by the bot, but it's decided (a)
    the message was too ambiguous to actually create a proposal, and (b) it
wasn't sent by a person, so it wouldn't have worked anyway. ais523 wonders
    if a non-person can ever take an action by announcement. Thread:
    "[Proposal] Minion Plan"

  * There's some discussion about what an "organism" is (part of Agora's
    definition of "person"). Thread: "Registration"

# Victory, titles, etc.

* The Prime Minister appoints Jason to the office of Speaker, and the Herald
  awards em the title Champion, for eir victory last week. Threads: "New
  Speaker", "Hear, ye! Hear, ye! A new Champion!"

# Birthday Tournament

The Birthday Tournament, which is a game of Diplonomic, continues.
Threads have "Diplonomic" in the subject line.

* A proposal is enacted allowing a Contestant to authorize a teammate to
  submit orders for eir country.

* A proposal is enacted giving each country a distinct "superpower".

* R. Lee, playing France, is the first player to be eliminated. There's
  discussion of whether a player is eliminated before or after votes are
  counted for proposals. Thread: "[Diplonomic 2020] BT2 Removal of R. Lee"

* There's discussion of a possible difference in retreat rules between
  Diplomacy and the Diplonomic birthday tournament. Thread: "[Diplonomic]
  Retreat Rules question"

# Websites

* Gaelan announces that the ruleset viewer at is working again. Thread: "Rules
  Viewer Fixed"

* Gaelan petitions the Webmastor or Distributor to set up HTTPS. Thread:
  "Petition to Webmastor and/or Distributor"

# Miscellaneous

* Another indictment process begins in the thread "The Notes (pledges &
  promises) - revision 2".

  "Maybe this time, we'll finally get to see how the process works."
  - The Referee
  (Last time, the indictment rules were broken.)

* The second Victory Card auction begins. Thread: "Second Victory Auction of
  July 2020"

# Contracts

* Gaelan creates a contract for betting. Thread: "Agoran Underground
  Betting Ring"

* Jason closes down eir Ponzi scheme and takes all the money. Thread: "A
  wild Ponzi scheme appears"

* Cuddlebeam creates a new version of eir Chattelbeam contract (allowing
  someone to act on eir behalf if e pledges to cause em to win). (E
  destroys it again next week, saying e's still got some things to do
  before e idles.)

# Cooper

* Our new Cooper petitions the ADoP to give eir office an interest.
  Thread: "Petition to the ADoP"

* Our new Cooper puts the first bargains on the barrel, chosen randomly.
  Threads: "Barrel Bargains Method", "Dice Rolls for Contents of

# Scams, rule questions, etc.

* nix identifies a bug in the new Talisman-based zombie system: anyone
  who controls a zombie "possesses more than one talisman" (including
  their own) and so can have both taken away from them with notice.
  Thread: "Talisman Revocation"

  * Jason submits a fix proposal in the thread "(another) talismans
    fix" (and revises it a couple of times).

* R. Lee tries to call "N CFJs" where "N is the number of CFJs that it would be reasonable for [em] to fully write out." The Arbitor says e considers it not to have worked, and there's other discussion. Thread: "@Arbitor Sillyness"

* Jason proposes a fix to a power escalation in the fee-based action
  rule text. Thread: "Fee-based method fix"

# Rule refactoring

* Jason circulates another draft of eir "Regulatory Instruments" proposal,
which brings regulations into the "bodies of law" framework set up by Alexis
  earlier. Thread: "Regulatory Instruments vN+1"

# Voting

* The Assessor initiates an Assessor election in order to get a Green Ribbon,
  having recently lost eirs when e Raised a Banner. Thread: "[Assessor]


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