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Below is the report for the week of 2020-08-10..16.

# Summary

Welcome, Nathan!

Get paid to write a weekly summary! The Agoran Press now exists, and
seeks Reportors to share in the telling of our glorious never-ending
story. Join the contract, claim the Weekly Assignment, and get 5 Coins
for summarizing a week. (The contract became publicly funded on April
21, technically outside the time range covered by this document.)

This week, a healthy batch of rule-changes was adopted, including the
gamification of Finger-Pointing. Agorans, don't let crime go unpunished
--- a missed punishment is a missed opportunity!

Agorans love changing the rules, making contracts, moving assets around,
and that sort of thing. But one proposal adopted this week gives some
privileged players a new power to to do only things that are outside of
that list of run-of-the-mill things. Our first Rulebender, G.,
demonstrates the first "Rulebending Form", which gives names to the five
Eastman weeks of each month.

Some of this week's proposals seemed like minor refactors or fixes, but
were they? Murphy's "simpler ribbon switches" turns out to also get em a
Transparent Ribbon.

Voting began on a pair of modest new proposals this week, and there is
some discussion of changing the way glitter works.

CFJ 3873 is judged TRUE: it was Shelvacu's birthday on the day e
registered. Agorans continue to stir things with new experiments,
including a self-styled "Annoying Experiment" by Gaelan.

This week, ATMunn became our new speaker, and Birthday Tournament
participants were awarded the Badge of Diplonomic.

# Players old and new

* New player Nathan joins Agora.

* Bayushi makes an appearance in the thread "Somewhat Annoying Experiment".

# Voting

* The decisions on adopting Proposals 8478-8487 are resolved.

  * Only 8481 is rejected. It would have made non-pending Proposals
    disappear instead of having the Promotor track them. The Promotor
    felt it wasn't needed.

  * Adopted:

    * Make Finger-Pointing competitive. (8479)

    * Make the rewards higher for more "complex" offices. (8482)

    * Apply the effects of "THE MYSTERY DOCUMENT", published last week
      by G., which it turns enacts a new rule allowing certain players
      to publish "Rulebending Forms" (8483)

    * Clarify Rule 2576, about asset ownership. (In the past, there's been
      confusion about whether assets are destroyed or go to the Lost and
      Found department, when their owner deregisters, for example.) (8484)

    * Make it so a person never ceases to be a person. (For one thing,
      this means that keeping correct records doesn't require knowing who
      is still alive.) (8485)

    * Simplify how Ribbon ownership is defined. But also, it turns out,
      make people eligible for Transparent Ribbons. (8487)

    * Various fixes. (8478, 8480, 8486)

* Voting begins on Proposals 8488 and 8489:

  * Proposal 8488 is another tweak related to the fee-based action

  * Proposal 8489 adds a new mechanic to the officer card-granting

# Scams, rule questions, etc.

* Can a Rulebending Form escape its limitations by explicitly taking
  precedence over the rule that limits it? ais523 calls CFJ 3874 in the
  thread "Resolution of Proposals 8478-8487".

* Can a player be granted birthday gifts on the same day they register?
  Yes. (CFJ 3873)

  * Trigon is annoyed because others agreed this wasn't a problem when e
    came up with the original wording. Thread: "Forbes 485"

* G. points out a zombie owner can bid in a zombie auction. Before a
  recent auction overhaul, this was prohibited. Thread: "August zombie

* G. publishes the first "Rulebending Form", which gives names to the
  five Eastman weeks of each month. Thread: "The First Form"

* Are hard-to-compute contract provisions effective? Gaelan tries an
  experiment in the thread "Somewhat Annoying Experiment", calling CFJ

* Can multiple persons in the same body receive ribbons? ATMunn calls
  CFJs in the thread "[Diplonomic 2020] BT3 Intent to Announce Winners,
  Badge, and Clean-up".

* When an officer's report includes a caveat, does the indicated
  information still self-ratify if it's not separately CoE-ed? Thread:
  "[Treasuror] [Weekly Report] Forbes 486"

* Jason sends a message to the backup list that at first seems like it
  might be an objection to an intent to Declare Apathy that nobody saw.
  But it looks like e just manually added "Re:" to the start of the
  subject line. Thread: "Re: BAK: Apathy Intent"

* After eir Propsoal 8487 is adopted, Murphy grants emself a Transparent
  Ribbon, because the proposal re-awarded em all eir ribbons. Was the
  proposal a scam by Murphy from the start? (Other players follow suit.)
  Thread: "Resolution of Proposals 8478-8487 (attn Tailor)"

# Offices, titles, etc

* Prime Minister nix appoints ATMunn to the office of Speaker.

* The Herald awards the Badge of Diplonomic to the Contestants in this
  year's Birthday Tournament, as well as people who assisted them.
  Thread: "[Diplonomic 2020] BT3 Intent to Announce Winners, Badge, and

# Contracts

* nix creates a contract allowing others to trade with em without em
  needing to interact. Thread: "Contract: Automatable Exchange Machine"

# Agoran Press

* Falsifian creates the Agoran Press contract as a way to allow players
  to be rewarded for publishing weekly "Reportor" summaries. Thread:
  "[Contract] Agoran Press"

  * The Notary announces intent to fund the contract as a charity.
    Thread: "@Notary Donation Level Petition"

  * Falsifian calls for other players to write Reportor summaries. nix
    says past reports recently helped em track down some past events.
    Thread: "Call for Reportors. 5 Coins per summary!"

# Miscellaneous

* There's discussion of emails not lining up the same way in all email
  clients, related to format=flowed formatting. Thread: "Agoran

* The Tailor starts a discussion on changing the way glitter prices
  work, in the thread "[Tailor] Rethinking Glitter Prices"


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