Monday,November 23, 2009

AIG and Systemic Risk

Geithner says credit-default swaps weren't the problem, after all.
TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky keeps committing flagrant acts of
political transparency, which if nothing else ought to inform the debate
going forward over financial reform. In his latest bombshell, the IG
discloses that the New York Federal Reserve did not believe that AIG's
credit-default swap (CDS) counterparties posed a systemic financial risk.


For the last year, the entire Beltway theory of the financial panic has
been based on the claim that the "opaque," unregulated CDS market had
forced the Fed to take over AIG and pay off its counterparties, lest the
system collapse. Yet we now learn from Mr. Barofsky that saving the
counterparties was not the reason for the bailout.

In the fall of 2008 the New York Fed drove a baby-soft bargain with AIG's
credit-default-swap counterparties. The Fed's taxpayer-funded vehicle,
Maiden Lane III, bought out the counterparties' mortgage-backed securities
at 100 cents on the dollar, effectively canceling out the CDS contracts.
This was miles above what those assets could have fetched in the market at
that time, if they could have been sold at all.

The New York Fed president at the time was none other than Timothy
Geithner, the current Treasury Secretary, and Mr. Geithner now tells Mr.
Barofsky that in deciding to make the counterparties whole, "the financial
condition of the counterparties was not a relevant factor."

This is startling. In April we noted in these columns that Goldman Sachs,
a major AIG counterparty, would certainly have suffered from an AIG
failure. And in his latest report, Mr. Barofsky comes to the same
conclusion. But if Mr. Geithner now says the AIG bailout wasn't driven by
a need to rescue CDS counterparties, then what was the point? Why pay
Goldman and even foreign banks like Societe Generale billions of tax
dollars to make them whole?

Both Treasury and the Fed say they think it would have been inappropriate
for the government to muscle counterparties to accept haircuts, though the
New York Fed tried to persuade them to accept less than par. Regulators
say that having taxpayers buy out the counterparties improved AIG's
liquidity position, but why was it important to keep AIG liquid if not to
protect some class of creditors?

Yesterday, Mr. Geithner introduced a new explanation, which is that AIG
might not have been able to pay claims to its insurance policy holders:
"AIG was providing a range of insurance products to households across the
country. And if AIG had defaulted, you would have seen a downgrade leading
to the liquidation and failure of a set of insurance contracts that
touched Americans across this country and, of course, savers around the

Yet, if there is one thing that all observers seemed to agree on last
year, it was that AIG's money to pay policyholders was segregated and safe
inside the regulated insurance subsidiaries. If the real systemic danger
was the condition of these highly regulated subsidiaries—where there was
no CDS trading—then the Beltway narrative implodes.

Interestingly, in Treasury's official response to the Barofsky report,
Assistant Secretary Herbert Allison explains why the department acted to
prevent an AIG bankruptcy. He mentions the "global scope of AIG, its
importance to the American retirement system, and its presence in the
commercial paper and other financial markets." He does not mention CDS.

All of this would seem to be relevant to the financial reform that
Treasury wants to plow through Congress. For example, if AIG's CDS
contracts were not the systemic risk, then what is the argument for
restructuring the derivatives market? After Lehman's failure, CDS
contracts were quickly settled according to the industry protocol. Despite
fears of systemic risk, none of the large banks, either acting as a
counterparty to Lehman or as a buyer of CDS on Lehman itself, turned out
to have major exposure.

More broadly, lawmakers now have an opportunity to dig deeper into the
nature of moral hazard and the restoration of a healthy financial system.
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are pushing to give regulators "resolution
authority" for struggling firms. Under both of their bills, this would
mean unlimited ability to spend unlimited taxpayer sums to prevent an
unlimited universe of firms from failing.

Americans know that's not the answer, but what is the best solution to the
too-big-to-fail problem? And how exactly does one measure systemic risk?
To answer these questions, it's essential that we first learn the lessons
of 2008. This is where reports like Mr. Barofsky's are valuable, telling
us things that the government doesn't want us to know.

In remarks Tuesday that were interpreted as a veiled response to Mr.
Barofsky's report, Mr. Geithner said, "It's a great strength of our
country, that you're going to have the chance for a range of people to
look back at every decision made in every stage in this crisis, and look
at the quality of judgments made and evaluate them with the benefit of
hindsight." He added, "Now, you're going to see a lot of conviction in
this, a lot of strong views—a lot of it untainted by experience."

Mr. Geithner has a point about Monday-morning quarterbacking. He and
others had to make difficult choices in the autumn of 2008 with incomplete
information and often with little time to think, much less to reflect. But
that was last year. The task now is to learn the lessons of that crisis
and minimize the moral hazard so we can reduce the chances that the panic
and bailout happen again.

This means a more complete explanation from Mr. Geithner of what really
drove his decisions last year, how he now defines systemic risk, and why
he wants unlimited power to bail out creditors—before Congress grants the
executive branch unlimited resolution authority that could lead to
bailouts ad infinitum.

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