r.than.Presumed> /

Saya bodoh jadi bingung, LPS bilang dengan  menyuntik Rp 6,7 T, sebenarnya
LPS melakukan penghematan. Saya bodoh karena gagal memahami, bahwa diawal
Bank Century konon hanya butuh injeksi Rp. 600 M, tetapi terus membengkak
menjadi Rp, 6,7 T, tetapi tetap diaggap sebagai penghematan karena yang
dibutuhkan sebenarnya Rp. 7,3T?







Thursday, 10 December 2009 | 11:13 AM

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) claimed that the
temporary capital funding for PT Bank Century Tbk. was Rp. 6.7 trillion,
which was lower than what the bank actually needed.

Quoting the audit result from a public accounting firm, the executive chief
of LPS, Firdaus Djaelani said that the bailout required to save Century Bank
was Rp. 7.3 trillion. "So based on the audit, so we're saving Rp. 600

The public accounting firm hired by LPS was Amir Abdi Jusuf or AAJ
Associates. "They worked from January to May, 2009."

LPS, according to Firdaus, funded Century Bank in four stages. The first
stage was Rp. 4.02 trillion, which was for paying bank obligations for 8,577
customer saving accounts. The second stage was Rp. 2.25 trillion, which was
in the form of assets as follows: Bank Indonesia certificates, Bank
Indonesia deposit facility, government securities, and statutory reserve

The third stage was Rp. 490 billion, which was for paying interbank loans,
short-term financing facilities, real time gross settlement cost, statutory
reserve requirements fines, and foreign exchange purchases. And then there's
the fourth, which was a new capital funding of Rp. 600 billion. "But it was
not done because at that time the capital adequacy ratio was 8 percent
already and there was no fund withdrawal from customers," Firdaus continued.

Regarding the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) audit result which mentions unclear
temporary capital expenses, Firdaus confessed he couldn't comment yet. "We
are studying the data."

The AAJ Associates audit result becomes the argument against the previous
BPK investigation audit. The BPK report found that the LPS temporary capital
for Century Bank wasn't supposed to be Rp. 6.76 trillion, but only Rp. 5.72
trillion. The Rp. 1.03 trillion funding was considered inappropriate to be
included as temporary capital. (Herry Prasetyo/Kontan/C17-09)


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