I hope this is not a dumb question. I have set of sites which are discrete
and connected by a graph. On each site (vertex in graph theory
parlance) lives a population which is modeled as a discrete time ricker
model, n(t+1)=n(t)exp[r(1-n(t)/k) + e] - E  + M, E is a proportion of the
population migrating out only along the edges of the graph and M is the
sum of migrants coming in for other vertices and e is a random error
term correlated in space but independent in time. Now I am interested in
the correlation cor(v_i, v_j) as a function of distance. I set the
migration to zero, so that after a sufficient amount of time all
populations hover around their equilibrium K. I have the correlation in
the random errors e specified as p^||s_i-s_j||, an isotropic covariance
that is a function of distance alone.

Now the question, if I calculate all pairwise correlations between
vertices and fit a smoother, I recover the specified corelation function
with very little bias (provided t is large enough), and this seems to work
for a relatively small sample of vertices. However if I caculate the
auto-correlation function using the standard estimators and average them
over time, or calculate the average of the standardized populations and
fit the auto-correlation function, the result is severely biased (under
estimates) the correlation as a function of distance, even for large v. I
have some hunches about this, but does anyone know where I can find
some more information on this?


                  N             Nicholas Lewin-Koh
                 / \            Dept of Statistics
           N----C   C==O        Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
          ||   ||   |           Iowa State University
          ||   ||   |           Ames, IA 50011
          CH    C   N--CH3      http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nlewin
            \  / \ /            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             N    C
             |   ||             Currently
            CH3   O             Graphics Lab
                                School of Computing
                                National University of Singapore
     The Real Part of Coffee    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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