
In the past few years stochastic simulation has
been increasingly used to produce probability maps.
To my opinion it's generally a waste of CPU time since
similar information can be retrieved using kriging,
either in a multiGaussian framework or applied to
indicator transforms.
The issue of when using simulation vs kriging
is further discussed in:
Goovaerts, P. 2001.
Geostatistical modelling of uncertainty in soil science.
Geoderma, 103: 3-26.

I take this opportunity to thank Gregoire
for a remarkable and often challenging job
of keeping this e-mail list alive through the years.


  ________      ________
 |        \    /        |    Pierre Goovaerts
 |_        \  /        _|    Assistant professor
 __|________\/________|__    Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
|                        |   The University of Michigan
|     M I C H I G A N    |   EWRE Building, Room 117
|________________________|   Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109-2125, U.S.A
  _|    |_\    /_|    |_
 |        |\  /|        |    E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |________| \/ |________|    Phone:   (734) 936-0141
                             Fax:     (734) 763-2275


On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Chaosheng Zhang wrote:

> Dear list,
> First, I would like to say thank you to Gregoire for keeping this list alive.
> I'm trying to do "risk assessment", and I have some questions about risk assessment 
>with Gaussian Simulation:
> (1) How to produce a probability map?
> With Gaussian simulation, we can produce many maps/realisations, e.g., 100. Based on 
>the 100 maps, a probability map of higher than a threshold can be produced. I wonder 
>how to produce such a probability map? My understanding is that for each pixel, we 
>just count how many values out of the 100 are >threshold, and the number is regarded 
>as the "probability". Am I right? It seems that this is a time consuming procedure 
>with GIS map algebra. Are there any suggestions for a quick calculation?
> (2) Is a probability map better than a Kriging interpolated map for the purpose of 
>risk assessment?
> (3) Is "PCLASS" function in IDRISI 32 Release 2 better/easier than the probability 
>map from Gaussian simulation?
> >From the online help of IDRISI 32 R2, Section "Kriging and Simulation Notes", it 
>says "If the final goal of simulated surfaces will be to directly reclassify the 
>surfaces by a threshold value, and calculate a probability of occurrence for a 
>process based on that threshold, conditional simulation may be unnecessary. Instead 
>kriging and variance images may be created and then used together with PCLASS." Any 
> (4) How to carry out "PCLASS"?
> Following the above question, I have a problem in doing PCLASS. I cannot input the 
>file name of Kriging variance to the field of "Value error" of the documentation 
>file. It seems that this field only accepts a "value", not an "image file name" or 
>anything in text. Anyone has the experience?
> Cheers,
> Chaosheng Zhang
> =================================================
> Dr. Chaosheng Zhang
> Lecturer in GIS
> Department of Geography
> National University of Ireland
> Galway
> Tel: +353-91-524411 ext. 2375
> Fax: +353-91-525700
> Web: http://www.nuigalway.ie/geography/zhang.html
> =================================================

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