Dear all 

I am having difficulty understanding why none of you
want to try a spatial approach to statistics. Everyone
is trying to make the 'independent' statistical tests
work on spatial data. Try turning this around and look
at the spatial aspect first.

(1) Testing variances: the sill on the semi-variogram
(total height of model) is theoretically a good
estimate for the sample variance when auto-correlation
or spatial dependence is present. Do your F test on
that. Yes, you still have degrees of freedom problems,
but with thousands of samples the 'infinity column'
should be sufficient.

(2) Testing means: the classic t-test in the presence
of 'equal variances' requires the 'standard error' of
each mean. For independent samples, this is s/sqrt(n).
For spatially dependent samples, this is the kriging
standard error for the global mean. Your only problem
then is getting a global standard error.


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