
At this link you can see what someone has done with ArcGIS.


It is not open source but the standard version is free. I think 3-D
kriging only allows a spherical model.

"Isoliner is the  ArcGIS extension for make grids and points theme with
interpolate by Kriging's and triangulation method. Last version of
extension include Slide Analyst as free function.
Isoliner include additional 3D functions, interpolation by features,
generation of random points."


> Hi!
> If you have to write new geostatistical code I think that an object
> oriented and
> generic programming language should be chosen (in primis c++ , it is
> efficient, it is compatible with
> c, you can wrap it and work inside R).
> The point is that in order to have a great code that is
> easy understandable, maintainable and integrable you need
> to build your system (for example using UML language) very accurately and
> taking into account the main actions you are performing when doing
> geostatistical analysis...that today means to do a lot of different
> things.
> I think that such projecting should be performed by many people working
> together
> trying to get some convergence first on which objects should be built in
> order
> to put together a good system. What I would like to say is that the
> conceptualization
> (in objects, relation between objects, and function) of the
> "geostatistical analysis" should
> come from a really deep analysis and a general consensus.
> Think for example about  the problem of spatial (well, now we need
> spatiotemporal) indexing that becomes
> really important for search strategies when you have many data: which kind
> of indexing to use?
> could be an idea to use PostGis framework?
> One of the most complete geotatistical software is ISatis and the target
> should be to build something similar but more flexible.
> Then the new Geostat Code should take care about
> the temporal dimension of data not only spatial.
> Finally I don't think that graphic is secondary above all during
> explorative data analysis and spatial continuity study.
> I hope that my opinions could be useful.
> Bye
> Sebastiano Trevisani
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