In general, I'd say that makes sense -- although as Roland observes, it's
not obvious that the front-end pieces add much value if this is just for
testing and learning Akka.

One question to think about is how big each "Game" is.  If you're talking
about a server for small-scale game instances (eg, 2-20 players per game),
then this design makes sense.  OTOH, if you're aiming at something more
massively-multiplayer, with large numbers of Players per Game, then the
Game Actor will become a bottleneck.  If that's the case, then I'd
recommend thinking about how to decompose the Game into a large number of
cooperating Actors, each of which owns a distinct chunk of the game's
state.  (Eg, an Actor per room, or something like that -- basically, find a
sensible division of the state.)

Also, you *may* want a separate Actor for the database operations, to
prevent the DB from blocking the flow of messages through the Game.  This
is a very common issue, since most DB interfaces are blocking: it's
important to keep those blocking operations isolated from the rest of the
data flow.

The architecture for my app is fairly similar: each browser window
corresponds to a UserSession Actor.  These are each talking to a Space
Actor, where a Space keeps track of a big block of state, providing that
state to a typically-modest number of attached UserSessions.  Each Space
Actor in turns owns a SpaceDB Actor, which it offloads all DB updates to,
so that those updates don't block state queries from the UserSessions.
 This division of labor keeps state queries lightning-fast, since the DB is
out of the way.

This is a good example of how to think in Akka: you're looking for ways to
slice-and-dice your state such that each Actor "owns" a distinct chunk of
it, and the expected data flow through that state is reasonably modest...

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Tagir Magomedov

> Hello everyone. I guess it's one of those "should I use Akka for this"
> posts.
> I'm completely new to distributed application design and am trying to do
> this test application to get some understanding on how it all works
> together. Thus I would appreciate any feedback on the following application
> design.
> *Problem:*
> Design a turn-based multiplayer game.
> *Possible implementation:*
> I'm thinking of the following high-level implementation/workflow:
> Client (Mobile/Web/etc) <-> SignalR ASP MVC website <-> Azure/AWS MQ <->
> Akka actors <-> DB
> Each connected client will have a corresponding Player actor in Akka
> backend.
> All requests/responses for a client would go through SignalR ASP frontend
> and delegated through message queue to appropriate backend actors.
> All moves/state queries to the game would be made by those Player actors
> to corresponding Gameactor in backend which will handle updating game
> state in DB.
> *Question:*
> Does that design make sense? Is it a correct use-case for Akka?
> Thanks,
> Tagir.
> p.s.
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