20 feb 2014 kl. 08:47 skrev dong <don...@gmail.com>:

> Patrik, I think that's doable workaround. Just curious what Martin thinks 
> regarding automatically unwrap Persistent messages in EventsourcedProcessor, 
> or at least let application to hand Persistent messages in receiveCommand 
> instead of throwing errors.

One of the principles of Akka is to fail loudly when the user attempts 
something which is not supported: just silently doing something else is likely 
to lead to frustration.

On the topic of command- vs event-sourcing I find it natural to use 
command-sourcing at the entry point to a service (where this word is to be 
interpreted very loosely) and event-sourcing at the exit point (i.e. where the 
service produces some output). We don’t support having both boundaries be the 
very same actor due to technical reasons—the shrink-wrapped solution would have 
some surprising structure compared to individual command- and 
event-processors—but you can surely roll your own to make it happen: just have 
the actor which holds the business logic be the command-sourced processor which 
delegates events via a command-sourced child actor back to itself, and the 
child represents the event source.



> On Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:32:34 PM UTC+8, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Martin Krasser <kras...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> On 20.02.14 07:25, dong wrote:
>> Martin, thank you for the quick reply. Great work on AKKA persistence,
> Thanks.
>> we are very likely to use it in production.
> Glad to hear that.
>> So more questions might come to you later.
>> 1 ---------
>> What do you mean " Eventsourced processors do not support command sourcing. 
>> "?
> Journaling messages before they are received by a processor is referred to as 
> "command sourcing" (see Processor). Applications directly send a Persistent 
> messages to a processor. You can think of a processor maintaining a 
> write-ahead-log.
> An EventsourcedProcessor journals event messages after having received a 
> command (by calling the persist() method). Applications are not allowed to 
> send Persistent messages directly to an EventsourcedProcessor (= Eventsourced 
> processors do not support command sourcing).
> I thought I explained that in detail in the event sourcing section. Please 
> let me know if something needs further clarification there.
>> In my case, I have two Eventsourced processors A, and B. A will deliver an 
>> event to a channel with B's actorRef so B can use that event "as a command" 
>> to generate subsequent events, so in A's receiveRecover method, i'm doing 
>> this:
>>  channel forward Deliver(Persistent(some_command_to_b), b_actor_ref)
>> In B's receiveCommand I have:
>>  case msg @ ConfirmablePersistent(e: SomeCommandToB, _, _) => 
>> Do you think this is problematic?
> Yes, see previous comments. 
>> Solution? 
> You may want to use a Processor for B (instead of an EventsourcedProcessor) 
> since the messages emitted by A are anyway *events* and not commands. In 
> other words, the messages journaled by processor B already represents an 
> event log, so there's no need to use an EventsourcedProcessor here.
> You could also use an ordinary (non-persistent) actor as destination of the 
> channel. It receives the Persistent messages, and wraps them in something 
> else and forwards to the EventsourcedProcessor. Confirmation can then still 
> be made by the EventsourcedProcessor.
> /Patrik
> If at-most-once delivery semantics are sufficient in your use case, you can 
> also send messages from within a persist() event handler which is not 
> re-executed during replay. Hence, there's no need to use a channel at all.
>> 2 ---------
>> Seems one channel message can be confirmed by multiple destination, can I do 
>> this:
>> channel forward Deliver(Persistent(payload1), actor_1_ref)
>> channel forward Deliver(Persistent(payload1), actor_2_ref)
>> channel forward Deliver(Persistent(payload1), actor_2_ref)
> This violates the channel usage rule (separate channel per outbound message) 
> that we discussed in your previous message.
>> ( why not: channel forward Deliver(Persistent(payload1), Set(actor_1_ref, 
>> actor_2_ref, actor_2_ref))
>> The same message will only be journaled once?
> When using plain channels, no additional journaling is done when sending the 
> message over that channel. The API you propose would again break the channle 
> usage rule.
>> BTW, if we have to do:
>> channel forward Deliver(Persistent(payload1), actor_2_ref)
>> Why cannot we simple drop "Persistent" so we have:
>> channel forward Deliver(payload1, actor_2_ref)
> The primary use case of a channel is to filter out confirmed messages that 
> have been replayed by a processor. Replayed messages are always Persistent 
> messages, hence the Persistent parameter in the Deliver command.
> Only for standalone channels, it may be more convenient to let the channel 
> wrap any message into a Persistent message but this is something that can 
> also be easily done by an application.
>> Sorry if these questions are silly or don't make sense.
>> On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:54:25 PM UTC+8, Martin Krasser wrote:
>> Hi dong,
>> On 20.02.14 04:31, dong wrote:
>>> I'm been playing with the new Akka persistence module, and have the 
>>> following questions that I hope to get answered.
>>> The document says "If a processor emits more than one outbound message per 
>>> inbound Persistent message it must use a separate channel for each outbound 
>>> message to ensure that confirmations are uniquely identifiable..."  Is this 
>>> because that " p.withPayload(...) and Persistent(...) method reuse the 
>>> current message's id, therefore if we call either method more than once, 
>>> the processor will emit multiple messages with the same id?
>> Yes, akka-persistence doesn't generate (and write) new sequence umbers for 
>> outbound messages. Generating new sequence numbers for outbound messages 
>> would make this usage rule obsolete but would significantly lower 
>> throughput. We decided to go for higher throughput.
>>> I think this implies channels compare new message'd id with  the largest id 
>>> ever seen and discard messages whose ids are smaller or equal to the last 
>>> id seen, do they?
>> No, replayed messages contain information which channel destinations 
>> confirmed their delivery. If a channel encounters a replayed message that 
>> contains a confirmation with the same channel id, it ignores that message. A 
>> confirmation is a persistent (processorId, sequenceNr, channelId) 3-tuple, 
>> where (processorId, sequenceNr) identify the a persistent message.
>>> (I guess I should start reading the code.)
>>> Were channels designed to be used one-way or two-ways? If my previous guess 
>>> about channel's id check mechanism is correct, channels should be one-way 
>>> only. Just want to make sure I'v got it right.
>> They are one-way.
>>> If one processor accepts persistence messages from multiple channels, to 
>>> deal with potential re-deliverying of the same messages, I guess the 
>>> processor should keep a 'last-seen-id' for each channel and do id-check, 
>>> right?
>> Only if you assume that messages cannot be lost. This is reasonable to 
>> assume for local channel destinations but               not for remote 
>> destinations.
>>> In a hello-persistence example I'm writing, I used a Casbah mongodb journal 
>>> plugin (the author is nice btw), I randomly get "Persistent commands not 
>>> supported" error. Anyone knows what this imply, application logic error or 
>>> it might be a journal plugin incomparability?  
>> Seems you're sending Persistent messages to an Eventsourced processor. 
>> Eventsourced processors do not support command sourcing. 
>>> Is there a way to customize message id generation logic? Say I want my id 
>>> start from 1000000 and increment by rand()%3? 
>> No.
>>> Thank you :)
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
>> Martin Krasser
>> blog:    http://krasserm.blogspot.com
>> code:    http://github.com/krasserm
>> twitter: http://twitter.com/mrt1nz
> -- 
> Martin Krasser
> blog:    http://krasserm.blogspot.com
> code:    http://github.com/krasserm
> twitter: http://twitter.com/mrt1nz
> -- 
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> Patrik Nordwall
> Typesafe -  Reactive apps on the JVM
> Twitter: @patriknw
> -- 
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Dr. Roland Kuhn
Akka Tech Lead
Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
twitter: @rolandkuhn

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