> I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some good options using Akka 
> alone. On top of my large queue concerns with Rabbit I didn't particularly 
> feel like adding another component into the mix if I didn't need to. I 
> wouldn't be shocked if you could do something pretty cleanly with just akka 
> persistence. I haven't looked into the new akka streams but that provides 
> some pretty nice looking flow control you might be able to use. I'd be 
> interested to hear some Akka-oriented options from the crew out there. 

I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just wanting a 
pure Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only issue that I found 
there was in the scenario where your master actors (the one's that hold the 
work that other actors pull from) go down. In this case, you're losing all 
of the data that the master actors held unless you have some sort of 
safe-guard in place (not really sure what this might look like). Something 
like Persistence might work except for a (probably rare but still 
plausible) case where the majority of your Akka system goes down, including 
the mechanisms responsible for Persistence. It also doesn't help when 
you're working with a data-stream that never stops coming; there's no easy 
way to catch up when failures happen.

I've also been reading about Akka streams and I also checked out the 
Typesafe activator module that they have with examples. It definitely looks 
very promising. Unfortunately it seems like it's something that will be 
released closer to the end of the year. If only it could get here sooner!

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