On 06.05.14 21:13, Matthew Howard wrote:

    On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 2:06:16 AM UTC-4, Martin Krasser wrote:

        You may be interested in this pull request
        <https://github.com/akka/akka/pull/15036> that enables reading
        from akka-persistence journals via reactive-stream producers.

Yea, actually that looks much like what I had in mind.

    On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 2:29:33 AM UTC-4, massivedynamic wrote:

        I was also in the same mindset that you have in terms of just
        wanting a pure Akka solution with a pulling pattern. The only
        issue that I found there was in the scenario where your master
        actors (the one's that hold the work that other actors pull
        from) go down. In this case, you're losing all of the data
        that the master actors held unless you have some sort of
safe-guard in place (not really sure what this might look like).

I am in the same boat as Ryan mentions below - I'm enriching and processing data that already resides in a database, so if a failure occurs I can just reprocess from the start. That is generally the direction I was thinking with a pure Akka implementation based on persistence. If you had a (persistent) Processor(s) just accumulating Tweet events, then a View(s) could subscribe to that processor and emit the events to downstream workers for processing. In that case the View acts as the coordinator and the Processor is the durable mailbox effectively, if either goes down you have the ability to recreate it and effectively pick up where you left off. You'd need to play with the snapshots, replay and recovery a bit to get proper flow control while reading the journal... Based on a quick read of Martin's PR above I think that is where streams would be helpful (a replacement of the View in my scenario). A PersistentChannel might be an easier option now that I think about it... then your workers can confirm when done - providing you automatic replay for anything missed if coordinator/worker dies.

Please not that the primary use case for persistent channels is to deal with slow and/or temporarily available consumers/destinations. It is not optimized for high throughput (yet). More detailed, a persistent channel usually has a very high write rate (with up to 100k msgs/sec, provided by a Processor it uses internally) but only a moderate message delivery rate to consumers. If you need a persistent queue with a high message throughput, consider using a 3rd party messaging product.

I'm not sure in your case how you might protect yourself if the coordinator dies, although if that is likely there should be some way to minimize the job and state of the coordinator to minimize it's role. So for example if the coordinator is responsible for a) pulling data from the Twitter stream, and b) supervising workers to consume that data, and c) acting on the response from workers and maintaining some state... then perhaps that really is best done with 3 actors. I could see a) and c) possibly being done with actors behind a router to provide some fault-tolerance (in which case "a" couldn't really be a Processor, but I think it could use a PersistentChannel).

In my case I had lots of niggling reasons not to introduce another architectural component - but I think some MQ/DB option is perfectly reasonable. On another note - Ryan, I have been reading your blog also... very helpful, thanks.

Martin Krasser

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