Hi Adam,

Thanks for your feedback!
Responses inline

On 18 Oct 2015 09:36, "Adam" <adamho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I like most of the described changes.
> Here are my personal reservations:
> 1. I prefer a single method name with many overloads over many method
names that say what are the arguments.

In general I do too, but with erasure and type inference it creates what
I've dubbed "Overloading overload" where the compiler (both Java and Scala)
will start spitting out nasty error messages with N signatures. Hardly
helpful for newcomers, I'd say!

> 2. I think the usage of from in two places (e.g. BidiFlow.fromXYZ and
Builder.from(...), might be confusing.
> The latter makes a lot of sense, so the former can be renamed to
something else. Being more used to RxJava\RxScala, I kind of like “of”
which is very succinct and intuitive.
> Of course BidiFlow is just an example, in the list of renames there are
lots of fromXYZ methodz. I would replace them all with “of”.
> This way when you need to create something, you always know to look for
an “of” method, or whatever consistent name you pick (this sort of works in
conjunction with my first comment).

That's an interesting proposal, I'll try it out locally and see how it

> 3. I think loosing addEdge will make it harder for new comers to learn
the DSL, which is already not trivial (at least in my eyes as  compare it
to RxJava\RxScala).

The reason for removing it is to not have multiple APIs for the same thing,
choice for the sake of choice is something I think creates more harm than
As for RxJava, does it even have a graph dsl? link?

> Usually having less options can make things simpler, but in this case I
know I’ve used the addEdge method in order to try and make sense of how to
use the Akka streams DSL.

Besides the anti-bifurcation reason, what makes addEdge "easier" than the
In general I am not for symbolic dsls but in the Scala DSL case it actually
reads very cleanly. My main concern with the symbolic DSL is that it almost
*requires* reading docs to even use it, which means also knowing that one
has to import the FlowGraph.Implicits._, I think moving the
FlowGraph.Implicits to the builder might help increase readability. Or
moving the arrows to the builder?

implicit builder => import builder.dsl._

Any other thoughts on improving the accessibility?

> Adam
> On Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 11:57:25 PM UTC+3, √ wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm proposing the following (breaking) changes to the FlowGraph-related
APIs, in order to make it consistent, with a smaller surface area and with
more obvious demarcation of power-level for "dropping down to"/"tapping
into" FlowGraph-mode.
>> Most, if not all, of the migration can be mechanically applied (I know
because I did it in the codebase).
>> See the PR for details: https://github.com/akka/akka/pull/18700
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> √
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