i got anwser of this question as::65527
as 1st time it would reuire 15(14+1) flips to one then again flip 14 cells to zero now after tht we will reach 14 cell now again flipnext 14 cells to one and then to zero then we will reach 28 cell i.e in every28 filp we gohead 14 cells (except in 1st time where we neeed one flip extra) i.e. in 2340 time i.e 2340*28 =65520 flips we will reach 32760 cell and add another 6 flip to reach 32766th cell

On 2/1/06, Dhyanesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Once you have set the 14th one to zero in the  next step you wont be able to flip the 15th one.

On 2/1/06, srinics < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How about this ?
1) Set first 15 1's
2) Flip 14th and 16th
2) Flip 15th and 17th...and so on
The no. of flips would be:
15 in step 1 +
two flips each for the remaining (32767-15) cells

15 + 2(32767-15)


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