In fact, my motivation was the way that Frege defined the natural

>From the paper:

"We shall define an algorithm analogously to the way that Gottlob Frege
defined a natural number.
Basically Frege  says
that that the number 42 is the equivalence class of all sets of size
42. He looks at the set of all finite sets and
makes an equivalence relation. Two finite sets are equivalent if there
is a one-to-one onto function from one
set to the other. The set of all equivalence classes under this
equivalence relation forms the set of natural numbers.
For us, an algorithm is an equivalence class of programs. Two
programs are part of the same equivalence class if they are
``essentially'' the same."

One might say that Frege's defintion is circular because he would say
that "42 is the equivalence relation of all sets of size 42". But he is
not really doing that. Frege is defining the SET of natural numbers.
Not one particular natural number. So too, I am defining the SET
(actually category) of
algorithms. Not one particular algorithm.

All the best,

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