> Dear wade u got it wrong as u said " A light is On iff the number of
> Up switches in the room and its horizontal/vertical (not diagonal)
> neighbors is odd."
> If u toggle a light near the wall of the room as shown

You had said that if a room is toggled, its neighbors are toggled.
That can be interpreted as an unending sequence (the neighbors are
rooms and are toggled, therefor their neighbors should get toggled).
However this is not what you meant (as shown by your program).  When a
room is manually toggled, the neighboring rooms get automatically
toggled, but the process stops there.

You can see that the "order" of toggles does not matter.  Manual Toggle
(click) room 1,1, followed by manual toggle 2,2, gives the same results
if you reverse the order.  Manual toggle a room an even number of
times, and it is as-if you never clicked the room.

I wanted to distinguish between a manual toggle (click on a room in
your application), and an automatic toggle (a room's light changes its
state because of a click in that room or a neighbor).  By my
definition, the switch in a room is in the Up state if you have clicked
on the room an odd number of times, otherwise the switch in the room is
in the Down state.

The light in a room can "see" the switches from that room and its
horiz/vert neighbors.  The light will be On iff it sees an odd number
of switches in the Up state.
AFAICT this description is consistent with the way your application
behaves, except that you can't see the switches.

This puts an upper limit on the size of your problem.  If you find a
solution, there will be some rooms toggled an odd number of times, and
perhaps some rooms toggled an even number.  So the switch in a room can
be in one of two states, and there are N^2 rooms, so there are 2^(N^2)
possible answers.  However, we can speed things up a bit.

For examples I'll use the N=3 problem, but the techniques work for
larger values of N.

Suppose we start with all rooms dark, and then pick some arbitrary
switch positions for the first column.  There are 2^N possible
arbitrary choices.   I'll make an arbitrary choice:
and the light states are (*=on, .=off)
We've now made our choices for the first column, and we aren't going to
change our mind (for now).  A valid solution must light the entire
first column.  For the given choice (UUD) in the first column, there is
only one choice of the second column that will leave the first column
lit.  That choice for the second column is (UUD) giving
  UUD ***
  UUD ***
  DDD **.
so we used the second column to "repair" the first column.  We can
continue, (using the 3rd column to "repair" the second column and so on
(for larger grids), until all but the last column have been repaired
In this case the second column needs no "repair."

My initial guess was no good.  It left us with a "residual" of "**." in
the last column (we wanted ***).  It took me N^2 time to find this
residual.  I could try all 2^N possible arbitrary choices for the first
column and then work out the residual of each, and my total cost has
been reduced to (2^N)*(N^2), a big improvement, but we can still do

You can create a system of linear equations looking at how the residual
changes when you change a single switch of my arbitrary guess.  You can
create the system of equations in O(N^3) time, and then solve it (or
fail if there is no solution) to change the residual to all-lights-on.
For the 3x3 grid, the system is non-singular.  For the 4x4 and 5x5
grids, the systems are singular, and have multiple solutions.  Solving
the systems takes O(N^3) time.

For N<=5, N^3 is not much of an improvement on (2^N)*(N^2).  However as
N grows, the 2^N is a killer.

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