I think you are right. Let me put it in a formal way so that my
understanding is clear.
So we are grouping in "tt", "tl" and "ll" groups. If there are p
"tl"/"ll" groups whose answer include a "no" then we put them aside at
the end after we found out one truth teller and then with 'p'
questions can figure out all the truth tellers/liar in those groups.
So one "tl"/"ll" group having a "NO" answer will at end contribute one
But instead if it was a group which answered "Yes/Yes" then one person
(say P) from it would have gone to second iteration. P would have been
paired up with someone and asked one question at least. So the
original group in which P was present will contribute one question
This implies that total questions will be 198 only.

Let me know if I went wrong somewhere.

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