On 3/14/07, NUPUL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Firstly your problem is not out of the blue...it's an enquiry for an
> existence of such an algorithm. Secondly, a good deal of research has
> gone into finding algorithms with O(n) sorting time and that too
> inplace (with space of O(1)). This is an ideal requirement! Existing

I think this problem is a sort of brain teaser that the problem setter
has come up with and would like to share on this forum. So yes, for
all practical purposes this problem is _out of the blue_.
Second, under the comparison model of computation, the O(n log n)
lower bound for the generic sorting problem has been long proven. The
very famous "Introduction to Algorithms : CLRS" which you seem to
quote in every second sentence carries a proof of the same.

> requirement or just curiosity? Anyways, I don't think such an
> algorithm exists...keep reading texts and do correct me if I'm wrong.

Don't think it exists?! Wow.. That's nice, might want to back that up
with some theory.

> Try looking at threaded binary trees.

WHY?! In his previous post the problem setter did mention a way out!
And IMHO threaded binary trees really can't be called O(1) space, so
why then go for it?

> A hint for what? Is this your second algo? different from the above?
> Then why give a hint and not the complete solution algorithmically

A hint to arrive at the solution! Duh! And why not give the complete
solution? Cos the fun is in _solving_ not reading the solution.


Rajiv Mathews

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