Can this be explained in context of numbers which are out of integer range ?

This can be explained by integer storage in computer and overflow due to limited range.

Remember that in computer negative integer is stored as the two's complement, ie. -x = (~x)+1.
Apply this to 0x80000000, we get: -0x80000000 = 0x7fffffff+1 = 0x80000000.
Note in the last addition, overlap occurs (from 2^31-1 to -2^32)

On 2010-8-31 7:45, Raj N wrote:
Can this be explained in context of numbers which are out of integer range ?

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Yan Wang < <>> wrote:

    It's miracle can you explain?

    On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Terence <
    <>> wrote:
    >  Try this:
    > int main()
    > {
    >  int data = (int)0x80000000; // Initialize data during run time
    >  if ( data == -data && data!=0)
    >    printf ("Miracle!!");
    > }
    > On 2010-8-28 1:45, Raj N wrote:
    >> int data; // Initialize data during run time
    >> if ( data == -data&&  data!=0)
    >>         printf ("Miracle!!");
    >> Will miracle ever print ?
    > --
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