A Top Down Memoization DP Algorithm Will be As  Follow 

Step 1. Declare an array of size N say jump[N]; 
where ith position indicates the number of jumps requires to reach from 
start to this (ith) position in array . 

Step 2. Initialize jump[0]=0; indicates to reach oth location form starting 
location (3which is obviuosly 0) we don't requires any jump. 

Step 3. Check size of array and value at 0th location in array For first 
index, optimum number of jumps will be zero. Please note that if value at 
first index is zero, we can’t jump to any element and return infinite.so 
these tow cases are 
                  A.If size of array==0 means array is of zero size; 
                 B.If value at zero then we can't jump or we can't proceed 
to next location 

Step 4. Run Through Loop for remaining elements in array and Initialize 
jump[i] as infinite. where  
           Sub-step 4A. (Please Note j runs in inner loop until i*<=j+a[j] )
            if jump[i]<jump[j]+1 update jump[i] & repeat until j>i (this 
whole processing will happen in 
            inner loop). e.g. for each ith element this loop will run & 
tries to figure out optimal/minimum 
           number of jumps required to reach this ith position from starting 
of array .

Step 5. After running above algorithm we will return array[n-1] that will 
show number of jumps required 
to reach last elemnt in array from start.

Time Complexity O(N^2)
Space Complexity O(N)
Hope You Can Convert it into Production Code 

Do Notify me via mail if i missed anything ??

Shashank Mani "Computer Science Is Awesome So Why I Write Code"
Computer Science
Birla institute of Technology Mesra


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