Finding duplicates in a multiset is a pretty standard problem.  I've
only ever heard of two solutions, and it's unlikely there are others.

One is to sort, which will place duplicates adjacent to each other, so
you can find them by comparing a[i] with a[i+i] for all I.  This
algorithm is O(sorting time + scanning time), so O(n log n) using
comparison sort, O(n) for counting sort, and O(n log k) for radix sort
where k is magnitude of max element.  Storage is O(1), O(k), and O(log
k) respectively.

The other is to use a set data structure, scan the input checking to
see if the current element is already in the set (if so, it's a
duplicate) and and then adding that element.  This one is O(scanning
time + n * lookup time + n * insert time).  The most efficient set
type is data dependent.  For dense small integers, it's a bitmap. For
arbitrary comparable keys it's either hash table or balanced tree
depending on key type.  Note that here the set insert and lookup
depend not on n but on the number of _unique_ keys.   If you have many
repeats (think of a million 3's and 10 other numbers), this can have
an impact.

If you limit yourself to O(1) space, an in-place comparison sort and
check of adjacent elements seems the best you can do: O(n log n).  And
the original data order is destroyed.  If you must also maintain data
order, O(n^2) all pairs comparison seems the best you can do.

On Nov 24, 1:02 am, kumar raja <> wrote:
> In the given array all the elements occur single time except  one element
> which occurs  2 times find it in O(n) time and O(1) space.
> e.g.  2 3 4 9 3 7
> output :3
> If such a solution exist can we extend the logic to find "All the repeated
> elements in an array in O(n) time and O(1) space"
> --
> Regards
> Kumar Raja
> M.Tech(SIT)
> IIT Kharagpur,

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