i)   vector = A non synced data structure good for random access and bad
for insertions,deletions and sequential scans.
ii)  Singly linked list = Bad for random access, good for one way
sequential access, good for insertions in the middle.
iii) Doubly linked list = Bad for random access, best for two way
sequential access, good for insertions in the middle.

Pralay Biswas
MS-CS, University of California Irvine

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:51 AM, shady <sinv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> which data structure among the follow has fastest sequential access ?
> i)   vector
> ii)  Singly linked list
> iii) Doubly linked list
> it won't be doubly linked list as it involves more pointer manipulations
> than singly linked list.......
> --


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