I am sorry, vectors are synced and hence slow (concurrency overhead,
arraylists are non synced). Rest remain the same, if your application
demands frequent two way sequential scans, go for DLL.

Pralay Biswas
MS-CS, University of California Irvine

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Pralay Biswas

> i)   vector = A non synced data structure good for random access and bad
> for insertions,deletions and sequential scans.
> ii)  Singly linked list = Bad for random access, good for one way
> sequential access, good for insertions in the middle.
> iii) Doubly linked list = Bad for random access, best for two way
> sequential access, good for insertions in the middle.
> Pralay Biswas
> MS-CS, University of California Irvine
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:51 AM, shady <sinv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> which data structure among the follow has fastest sequential access ?
>> i)   vector
>> ii)  Singly linked list
>> iii) Doubly linked list
>> it won't be doubly linked list as it involves more pointer manipulations
>> than singly linked list.......
>> --


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