Yeah I didn't know until Abby her self told me. I asked her because I wanted a true way of making sure the volume level was truely equal on boath XLRs for the AT-8022. Because if not that will efect the stereo immadg.

On 5/13/2020 11:07 AM, Georgina Joyce wrote:
Hello Hamit,

Thanks, there are some things I’s not thought about. However, I so far have 
focused upon mono recordings. I didn’t know about or remember that the scale 
was 1 -10.


On 13 May 2020, at 15:48, Hamit Campos <> wrote:

Ooooo ouch. Harsh. Ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahaha! Na but yeah the H6 
is pretty quiet. Unless you really pump the pre-amps. Then yes they do hiss. 
But yes the pres are verry much like the LS-100 pres but for the fact that the 
H6 is crisper. Now for those that may not remember Neal's LS-100 review the pre 
in that and thus the ones in the H6 are only 1 turn of the nob louder floor 
noise wize then the $4000 Sound Devices 744-T. However if you really want Sound 
Devices almost mixing desk silence then the H recorders ain't for you. You then 
must step up to the F recorders. So as to Gena's question at hand about setting 
up a recording I agree with most of what's been said here. I'd add make sure 
the mics are well placed where you want them, and for those like me where if 
the thing doesn't talk I get confused as to where I am, make sure someone 
sighted has helped you set your sample rate and bit depth you want and that 
they have also powered the XLRs if you are using condencers. Other than that 
you should be good. Now I don't know how many of you are aware the level 
settings on the H6 are numbered 1 threw 10. I always have my neice Abby make 
sure they are either at 5 or 5 and a half. This is important especially for 
Stereo or Quadrophonic surround sound so the chanals are balanced.

On 5/13/2020 8:52 AM, Aidan wrote:
If using something like h6 I cannot really imagine that you would need
to apply noise filters. Unless you very picky.

On 5/13/20, Georgina Joyce <> wrote:
Hello Tim,

Interesting, if using a non destructive DAW like reaper, if it is
incorrectly applied simply undo it. I am not  familiar with using expanders.
But the noise comes from whatever equipment. Very few mics have a
undetectable noise floor and even the best pre-amps have some noise. So a
light touch of post processing is likely to be required. But as you rightly
point out it is down to the environment and what purpose the recording is to


On 13 May 2020, at 12:23, tim cumings <> wrote:

I agree about most of theadvice here. However i would be careful about
using a noise gate. If set incorrectly, a noise gate can make things sound
worse than better. A downward expander would be better, but if you are
using a quality mic and have recording levels set properly, even a
downward expander probably isn't necessary, depending on what you are

On 5/12/2020 5:30 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:
Hello All,

Rather than making the current discussion on Zoom Microphones. very long
I thought I would ask the community  of their experiences and how they
undertake a recording? As I was not sure if Andy wanted tips on recording
techniques I thought such a thread would help him and those of us who
have a Zoom.

Firstly, I would record in wav. Then use reaper to apply a noise gate.
This removes hiss and other quiet unwanted noises.

I would not use a capsule on the recorder unless it was the only mic
available for that application. Using such a mic I would secure the
recorder and start the recording early so that I could discard the first
second as it will contain handling noise.

I would not wear noisy clothing or jewellery and try to get away from the
active recording space. It is surprising how  clothing, shoes and bangles
rustle and jangle when you are trying to be quiet.

Then it is about choosing the mic for the sound stage I am trying to
capture. Remembering that the wider stage means that I have to be that
much quieter. It could pick me up breathing and moving my feet.

Then there are practical considerations such as power for the Zoom and
protection from wind and rain.

Of the top of my head these are the considerations I would employ before
a recording. So what about your experiences and approach?



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