To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|46076
                  Summary:|The number formatting of a cell is not maintained
                          |after the cell contents have been modified.
                Component:|Word processor
                  Version:|OOo 2.0 Beta
               OS/Version:|Windows XP
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|mru
              Reported by:|mbarry

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Mar 26 23:16:54 -0800 
2005 -------
After selecting a format for a particular cell, the format is not maintained
after modifying the contents of the cell.

1) Start Open Office Writer.
2) Select table from the menu and select insert and table.
3) Select ok to create a two by two table.
4) Type the number 1 in both of the cells in the second row.
5) Right-click on the left cell and choose number format.
6) Choose currency from the Category and the 4th entry from the Format such that
the format code is: [$$-409]#,##0.00;[RED]-[$$-409]#,##0.00.
7) Right-click on the right cell and choose number format.
8) Type BOOLEAN in the format code field.
9) The left field should contain $1.00 and the right field should contain TRUE.
10) Modify both field, the left by changing the value to 10, and the right
changing the value to 0. Notice that you must follow the format procedure again
to reformat the field.

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