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------- Additional comments from Mon Mar 16 17:12:51 +0000 
2009 -------
> We didn't undertand if we need accept the copyright, can you say us again,
> please :) Thanks.

For locale data generated at there are two possibilities: one as
lined out above, by using the generator you accepted that Alberto
contributes the data based on your work to other projects, such as OOo
and the CLDR. Alberto signed the JCA with OOo. You would not need to
sign the SCA.

The other possibility is, you sign the SCA with OOo yourself, which
would be needed anyway if you plan to contribute anything else than
locale data to the code repository, such as patches or localization
/ translation of UI elements.

> I was thinking in this, I think I was wrong: I think must be:
> <Time100SecSeparator>:</Time100SecSeparator>

No, that would be definitely wrong, as it would be identical to the
TimeSeparator used to separate hours, minutes and seconds.
Time100SecSeparator is used to separate seconds from 100th seconds or

> <QuotationStart>'</QuotationStart>
> <QuotationEnd>'</QuotationEnd>
> <DoubleQuotationStart>"</DoubleQuotationStart>
> <DoubleQuotationEnd>"</DoubleQuotationEnd>

These are now the ASCII quote characters instead of the typographic
quote characters, which looks wrong.

> -#.##0,00 [CURRENCY]

So: no space between minus sign and amount, and the currency symbol
follows the amount, separated by a blank.

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