On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 21:53:05 +0200
Tom Alsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there.
> Please read my comments below:
> On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 08:15:03PM +0100, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > In general, playmidi sends a MIDI file to the gameport of your soundcard;
> > there is a special cable to connect to external MIDI equipment. 
> > (See 'man playmidi' or just type 'playmidi').
> Well, as far as I know, playmidi sends the MIDI file to the sequencer
> device, which is usually /dev/sequencer. That device might be an
> external MIDI sequencer connected through the gameport, or the
> internal sequencer of the sound card...
> > There are cards/chipsets with hardware wavetable or FM synthesizer 
> > capabilities but yours does not AFAIK :(
> No, I know it does...

You mean VIA AC97 (VT82C686) has _hardware_ wavetable- and/or FM-synthesizer 
capabilities? I'd be surprised!
> > Even if your soundcard has some hardware capabilities these are not
> > neccesarily supported.
> Oh... Is the support still under development? Is it intended at all to
> be supported?
> > Kmidi (a standard KDE application) and Timidity can play MIDI files just 
> > fine by using software emulation. HTH,
> I know timidity... It's nice... But still I'd want the hardware
> support to work... It's a shame to waste the CPU resources on software
> emulation of what the hardware can do...
> >     -Frans
> > 
> > Btw: your question to the list and my answer were received by me from the 
> > mailing list :)
> Oh... sorry then... It must have been the problem with my mail...
>   Thank you, any further help appreciated,
>   -- Tom

Have fun :)


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