>Thanx, I did run the alsactl reload and I glad you know what the problem
>is. I'd love the patch and an explanation. If not for me then for the
>record, for others who may experience this as well.

oh drat. i just looked at the code again, and now its no so obvious
any more. do me a favor will you? run the script so that it should turn
passthru off, then dump /proc/asound/card0/rme9652, then run it so
that it should turn passthru on, and then dump the /proc file again.
send me the results.

passthru should turn on punch-thru or whatever we want to call it for
*every* channel, but apparently, its not doing that for you.

>The reason i mentioned those two cards is that the both do D/A at 24/192
>khz for 6 channels. The RME does only 96 khz, not that you can play DVD
>audio on Linux yet (pleas correct me if I'm wrong, I'd love to be :)

you audiophiles. i still can't believe that we seriously have to deal
with 192. its so totally insane.


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